Paste #38210: Untitled Paste

Date: 2016/12/08 19:45:00 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: world
        on player clicks playertestitem1 in playertestmenu:
        - determine cancelled
        on player clicks playertestitem2 in playertestmenu:
        - determine cancelled
        on player clicks playertestitem3 in playertestmenu:
        - determine cancelled
        on player clicks playertestitem4 in playertestmenu:
        - if <in@playertestmenu.slot[10]> == <i@playertestitemcorrect1>
            - if <in@playertestmenu.slot[12]> == <i@playertestitemcorrect2> && <in@playertestmenu.slot[14]> == <i@playertestitemcorrect3> && <in@playertestmenu.slot[16]> == <i@playertestitemcorrect4> && <in@playertestmenu.slot[18]> == <i@playertestitemcorrect5>
                - execute as_server tellraw @a <&lc>"text":"High fives and hello's all around! <> is new!","color":"aqua"<&rc>
                - execute as_server gamemode <> creative
                - execute as_server speed fly <> 10
                - execute as_server promote <>
                - execute as_server "scoreboard teams join gray <>"
                - narrate "<&d>Welcome to <&5>Hipp<&8>Out<&d>!
                - narrate "<&d>Fly until you find an area"
                - narrate "<&d>that is not too close to others"
                - narrate "<&d>and that you like."
                - narrate "<&d>And place a block to start!"
                - execute as_server minecraft:tp 999994 88 1000150
                - narrate "<&c>Read through the tutorial and take the test again."