Paste #38261: Config

Date: 2016/12/12 19:35:38 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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# BungeeCord Socket configuration, required for sending information
# between servers without the need for online players on each
# sender and recipient
  # Whether the BungeeCord Socket is enabled and should automatically attempt to
  # connect on server startup.
  Enabled: true
  # The IP address that is hosting a DepenizenBungee socket server.
  IP Address: ""
  # The port at the IP address that is hosting a DepenizenBungee socket server.
  Port: 24500
  # The password to connect with. Please leave this in "quotes" to keep
  # YAML from thinking it's an invalid string (for example, if it's all numbers).
  Password: "*****"
  # The name to connect with. Used for the Bungee dServer object.
  # This does not have to be the same name that Bungee itself recognizes,
  # but it is recommended to use that for the sake of consistency.
  Name: "lobby"
  # The duration of inactivity that the client will send a ping
  # packet to the server after.
  Ping Delay: "30s"
  # The duration that this client should wait after sending a ping
  # packet before disconnecting and attempting to reconnect.
  Ping Timeout: "30s"
  # The duration to wait between attempts at reconnecting to the socket.
  Reconnection Delay: "10s"
  # The amount of times the client should attempt to reconnect to the socket
  # before giving up. After the last try, the "bungee fails reconnect" event will fire,
  # allowing for manual handling.
  # Set to -1 to never stop trying to reconnect. (This also disables the fail event.)
  Reconnection Attempts: 3