Paste #39048: Denizen Debug Logs From f- 4S6craps of 4L6ife f-

Date: 2017/01/16 08:46:58 UTC-08:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 1.8.0_111
CraftBukkit Version: 1.7.10-1614.58 (MC: 1.7.10)
Active Plugins (16): CoreProtect: 2.10.0, Citizens: 2.0.13-SNAPSHOT (build 1156), WorldEdit: 5.6.1, 
VoteRoulette: 1.9.7, Denizen: 0.9.5-SNAPSHOT (build 1525), Essentials: 2.13.1, 
EssentialsChat: 2.13.1, GroupManager: Pre2.14.1.3 FINAL (Phoenix), EssentialsAntiBuild: 2.13.1, 
AutoBroadcaster: 1, WorldBorder: 1.7.9, Votifier: 1.9, EssentialsSpawn: 2.13.1, 
ItemRestrict: 1.4, WorldGuard: 5.9, VanishNoPacket: 3.19.1
Loaded Worlds (11): world, DIM-100, DIM-37, DIM-38, DIM-39, DIM-42, DIM-19, DIM-112, DIM-1, DIM2, DIM1,
Online Players (3): Flexburo(Flexburo), Tikas2(Tikas2), Garudarama(Garudarama)

16:46:46 [INFO]  FOUND! NPC is in EXITING range: 'GreyBeard' 
16:46:47 [INFO] +- Parsing PROXIMITY trigger: n@GreyBeard/p@Tikas2 
16:46:47 [INFO]  Starting TimedQueue 'NIENEEZDEI'... 
16:46:47 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/p@Tikas2 ---------+ 
16:46:47 [INFO]  Filled tag <player.flag[mageintro]> with 'null'. 
16:46:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Comparing text as if it were a number - 
                   calculating based on text length 
16:46:47 [INFO]  Comparable 1: Comparable='Element(null)', 
                   Operator='OR_LESS', ComparedTo='Element(3)' --> 
16:46:47 [INFO]  Completing queue 'NIENEEZDEI'. 
16:46:47 [INFO]  Re-completing queue 'NIENEEZDEI'. 
16:46:54 [INFO]  FOUND! NPC is in EXITING range: 'GreyBeard' 
16:46:55 [INFO] +- Parsing PROXIMITY trigger: n@GreyBeard/p@Tikas2 
16:46:55 [INFO]  Starting TimedQueue 'EDZENNEDNN'... 
16:46:55 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/p@Tikas2 ---------+ 
16:46:55 [INFO]  Filled tag <player.flag[mageintro]> with 'null'. 
16:46:55 [INFO]  ERROR! Comparing text as if it were a number - 
                   calculating based on text length 
16:46:55 [INFO]  Comparable 1: Comparable='Element(null)', 
                   Operator='OR_LESS', ComparedTo='Element(3)' --> 
16:46:55 [INFO]  Completing queue 'EDZENNEDNN'. 
16:46:56 [INFO]  Re-completing queue 'EDZENNEDNN'.