Java Version: 1.8.0_66 Up-time: 1d 3h CraftBukkit Version: git-Spigot-7d78b81-7e19325 (MC: 1.11.2) Denizen Version: Core: 1.15 (Build 84), CraftBukkit: 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT (build 1634) Active Plugins (13): 2MCCore: 1.58, 2LuckPerms: 2.17.38, 2WorldEdit: 6.1.5;4651611, 2OldCombatMechanics: 1.1.2, 2Vault: 1.5.6-b49, 2SaneEconomy: 0.10.4, 2ProtocolSupport:, 2ProtocolLib: 4.2.1-SNAPSHOT-b346, 2LibsDisguises: 9.2.4, 2Citizens: 2.0.21-SNAPSHOT (build 1470), 2Denizen: 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT (build 1634), 2Sentinel: 1.0 (build 90), 2Depenizen: 1.0.0 (build 373) Loaded Worlds (3): World, World_nether, World_the_end Online Players (1): Ambrius7(Ambrius) Offline Players: 43 Mode: online 18:05:23 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_StrongDivideIdentification' Executing: IF "" "{" "-" "narrate" "<&a><&l>[Skill] <&f>Overpower <&7>has <&f>s <&7>until it's ready!" "-" "queue" "clear" "}" 18:05:23 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/p@Ambrius ---------+ 18:05:23 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 18:05:23 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'false'. 18:05:23 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_StrongDivideIdentification' Executing: IF "!" "{" "-" "narrate" "<&a><&l>[Skill] <&7>You are not <&f>Enraged<&7>!" "-" "queue" "clear" "}" 18:05:23 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/p@Ambrius ---------+ 18:05:23 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 18:05:23 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'true'. 18:05:23 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_StrongDivideIdentification' Executing: IF "]>" "!==" "null" "{" "-" "define" "target" "]>" "-" "push" "" "destination:" "speed:0.5" "duration:1t" "no_rotate" "no_damage" "-" "run" "Stun_Effect" "def:| 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 18:05:23 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '7'. 18:05:23 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'e@7a8d0843-4372-448c-b7ce-713e99178056'. 18:05:23 [INFO] d fLogic='NEGATIVE', Comparable='Element(be@7a8d0843-4372-448c-b7ce-713e99178056f)', Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Element(bnullf)' e--> OUTCOME='true' 18:05:23 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_StrongDivideIdentification' Executing: DEFINE "target" "]>" 18:05:23 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: DEFINE/p@Ambrius ---------+ 18:05:23 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '7'. 18:05:23 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'e@7a8d0843-4372-448c-b7ce-713e99178056'. 18:05:23 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDEFINE8': 8queue='eSKILLBAR_HANDLER_StrongDivideIdentification8' definition='btarget8' 8value='ee@7a8d0843-4372-448c-b7ce-713e991780568' 18:05:23 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_StrongDivideIdentification' Executing: PUSH "" "destination:" "speed:0.5" "duration:1t" "no_rotate" "no_damage" 18:05:23 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: PUSH/p@Ambrius ---------+ 18:05:23 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'p@c08db03a-34c8-4fcf-b16f-5716f7eb159a'. 18:05:23 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'l@-504.5,5.0,1602.5,-11.193179,0.0,World'. 18:05:23 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'ePUSH8': 8origin='ep@c08db03a-34c8-4fcf-b16f-5716f7eb159a8' 8entities='e[p@c08db03a-34c8-4fcf-b16f-5716f7eb159a]8' 8destination='el@-504.5,5.0,1602.5,-11.193179,0.0,World8' 8speed='e0.58' 8max ticks='e18' force_along='bfalse8' precision='b28' 8no_rotate='etrue8' 8no_damage='etrue8' 18:05:23 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_StrongDivideIdentification' Executing: RUN "Stun_Effect" "def:|" 18:05:23 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: RUN/p@Ambrius ---------+ 18:05:23 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '2'. 18:05:23 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'e@7a8d0843-4372-448c-b7ce-713e99178056'. 18:05:23 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eRUN8': 8script='bSTUN_EFFECTe(TASK)8' definitions='b2|e@7a8d0843-4372-448c-b7ce-713e991780568' 18:05:23 [INFO] d fAdding definition %1% as 2 18:05:23 [INFO] d fAdding definition %2% as e@7a8d0843-4372-448c-b7ce-713e99178056 18:05:23 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_StrongDivideIdentification' Executing: HURT "" "" "cause:CUSTOM" "source:" 18:05:23 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: HURT/p@Ambrius ---------+ 18:05:23 [INFO] d fFilled tag with '25'. 18:05:23 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'e@7a8d0843-4372-448c-b7ce-713e99178056'. 18:05:23 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'p@c08db03a-34c8-4fcf-b16f-5716f7eb159a'. 18:05:23 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eHURT8': amount='b258' 8entities='e[ee@7a8d0843-4372-448c-b7ce-713e99178056]8' cause='bCUSTOM8' 8source='ep@c08db03a-34c8-4fcf-b16f-5716f7eb159a8' 18:05:23 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_StrongDivideIdentification' Executing: PLAYEFFECT "" "effect:blockcrack_152" "visibility:25" "quantity:15" "offset:0.4" 18:05:23 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: PLAYEFFECT/p@Ambrius ---------+ 18:05:23 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'l@-503.84063515755565,5.808486169313949,1601.703198565493,24.299967,-320.85052,World'. 18:05:23 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'ePLAYEFFECT8': iconcrack_type='bblockcrack8' iconcrack='b1528' iconcrack_data='b08' 8locations='e[l@-503.84063515755565,5.808486169313949,1601.703198565493,24.299967,-320.85052,World]8' radius='b258' data='b08' qty='b158' 8offset='el@0.4,0.4,0.48' 18:05:23 [INFO] d fQueue 'SKILLBAR_HANDLER_StrongDivideIdentification' Executing: NARRATE "<&a><&l>[Skill] <&f> <&7>has used <&f>Overpower <&7>on <&f><&7>!" "targets:" 18:05:23 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: NARRATE/p@Ambrius ---------+ 18:05:23 [INFO] d fFilled tag <&a> with 'a'. 18:05:23 [INFO] d fFilled tag <&l> with 'l'. 18:05:23 [INFO] d fFilled tag <&f> with 'f'. 18:05:23 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'Ambrius'. 18:05:23 [INFO] d fFilled tag <&7> with '7'. 18:05:23 [INFO] d fFilled tag <&f> with 'f'. 18:05:23 [INFO] d fFilled tag <&7> with '7'. 18:05:23 [INFO] d fFilled tag <&f> with 'f'. 18:05:23 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'SHEEP'. 18:05:23 [INFO] d fFilled tag <&7> with '7'. 18:05:23 [INFO] d fFilled tag with 'li@p@c08db03a-34c8-4fcf-b16f-5716f7eb159a'. 18:05:23 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eNARRATE8': 8Narrating='eal[Skill] fAmbrius 7has used fOverpower 7on fSHEEP7!8' 8Targets='e[p@Ambrius]8' 18:05:25 [INFO] d cERROR! f'e@7a8d0843-4372-448c-b7ce-713e99178056' is an invalid dEntity! 18:05:25 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'STUN_EFFECT'! fTag is invalid! 18:05:25 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fvalueOf dEntity returning null: null 18:05:25 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'STUN_EFFECT'! fWoah! Invalid arguments were specified! 18:05:25 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] f+> MESSAGE follows: 'Invalid Entity target.' 18:05:25 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fUsage: flag ({player}/npc/server/) [([<#>])](:)[:] (duration:) 18:05:25 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] f(Attempted: FLAG "" "Stun_Effect:!") 18:05:25 [INFO] d cERROR! f'e@7a8d0843-4372-448c-b7ce-713e99178056' is an invalid dEntity! 18:05:25 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'STUN_EFFECT'! fTag is invalid! 18:05:25 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'STUN_EFFECT'! fTag is invalid! 18:05:25 [INFO] d cERROR! f'null' is an unknown argument! 18:05:25 [INFO] d cERROR! f'null' is an unknown argument! 18:05:25 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'STUN_EFFECT'! fWoah! Invalid arguments were specified! 18:05:25 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] f+> MESSAGE follows: 'Must specify entity/entities!' 18:05:25 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] fUsage: push [|...] (origin:/) (destination:) (speed:<#.#>) () (script:) (def:|...) (force_along) (precision:<#>) (no_rotate) (no_damage) 18:05:25 [INFO] e+> [Denizen] f(Attempted: PUSH "" "" "speed:0.1")