Paste #4087: Denizen Debug Logs From 9l┏bl━9l━bl━9l━bl━9l━bl► elM6lineelC6lonomy el

Date: 2014/05/05 18:03:01 UTC-07:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 1.7.0_03
CraftBukkit Version: git-Spigot-1456 (MC: 1.7.9)
Active Plugins (40): zPermissions: 1.2, WorldBorder: 1.7.8, AlphaChest: 1.16.0, WorldEdit: 5.6.2, 
SudoAlias: 1.3.1, Craftconomy3: 3.1.5 jenkins-Craftconomy3-2076, Teleports: 0.50b-22, 
Homes: 0.50b-6, BungeeSuiteSpawn: 0.5b-8, Vault: 1.2.32-b57, Multiverse-Core: 2.5-b688, 
MyHelpPages: 1.4.2, UberForest: 2.2.0, Bans: 0.50b-8, WorldGuard: 5.9, WorldGuardFlagger: 3.4, 
Warps: 0.17-SNAPSHOTb-11, SignEdit: 3.3.8, Fly: 1.3, Resurrection: 1.7.0, 
Herochat: 5.6.7-SNAPSHOT, BungeeSuitePortals: 0.5b-9, HyperConomy: 0.974.54, 
ChatPing: 1.0, Jobs: 2.11.5-SNAPSHOT, Citizens: 2.0.13-SNAPSHOT (build 1120), 
LiftSign: 0.4.1, BungeeChatClient: 0.3, WorldRegions: 1.0.0, Multiverse-Portals: 2.5-b710, 
Multiverse-Inventories: 2.5-b374, VanishNoPacket: 3.19, SignShop: 2.8.3, NoItem: 3.1.2, 
ArmorCheck: 1.0.1, Quester:, HyperMerchant: 1.5-dev, Denizen: 0.9.4-SNAPSHOT (build Unknown), 
CompatNoCheatPlus: 6.4.4-RC-sMD5NET-b61, NoCheatPlus: 3.10.10-BETA-sMD5NET-b686,
Loaded Worlds (7): SpringFields, AncientMines, Etalic, OldWest2, TravelWorld, Devonshire, OldWest
Online Players (2): Nilsentience(Nilsentience), Rds9121(Rds9121)

20:53:42 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:42 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:42 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:42 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:42 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:42 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:43 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:43 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:43 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:43 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:43 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:43 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:43 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:43 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:43 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:43 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:43 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:43 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:44 [INFO]  ERROR! File cannot be found! 
20:53:44 [INFO]  ERROR! YAML tag 
                   has specified an invalid ID, or the specified id has 
                   alreadybeen closed. Tag replacement aborted. 
20:53:44 [INFO]  ERROR! YAML tag 
                   has specified an invalid ID, or the specified id has 
                   alreadybeen closed. Tag replacement aborted. 
20:53:44 [INFO]  ERROR! YAML tag 
                   has specified an invalid ID, or the specified id has 
                   alreadybeen closed. Tag replacement aborted. 
20:53:44 [INFO]  ERROR! Unknown YAML ID 
20:53:45 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:45 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:45 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:45 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:45 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:45 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:45 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:45 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:45 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:45 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:45 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:45 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Woah! Invalid arguments were specified! 
20:53:47 [INFO] +> [CommandExecuter] +> MESSAGE follows: 'The specified 
                   queue could not be found: 
20:53:47 [INFO] +> [CommandExecuter] Usage: queue (queue:<id>) 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Woah! Invalid arguments were specified! 
20:53:47 [INFO] +> [CommandExecuter] +> MESSAGE follows: 'The specified 
                   queue could not be found: queue:md_5_WanderTask_Queue' 
20:53:47 [INFO] +> [CommandExecuter] Usage: queue (queue:<id>) 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Woah! Invalid arguments were specified! 
20:53:47 [INFO] +> [CommandExecuter] +> MESSAGE follows: 'The specified 
                   queue could not be found: 
20:53:47 [INFO] +> [CommandExecuter] Usage: queue (queue:<id>) 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Woah! Invalid arguments were specified! 
20:53:47 [INFO] +> [CommandExecuter] +> MESSAGE follows: 'The specified 
                   queue could not be found: 
20:53:47 [INFO] +> [CommandExecuter] Usage: queue (queue:<id>) 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Woah! Invalid arguments were specified! 
20:53:47 [INFO] +> [CommandExecuter] +> MESSAGE follows: 'The specified 
                   queue could not be found: 
20:53:47 [INFO] +> [CommandExecuter] Usage: queue (queue:<id>) 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Woah! Invalid arguments were specified! 
20:53:47 [INFO] +> [CommandExecuter] +> MESSAGE follows: 'The specified 
                   queue could not be found: queue:7_BurningQueue' 
20:53:47 [INFO] +> [CommandExecuter] Usage: queue (queue:<id>) 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Woah! Invalid arguments were specified! 
20:53:47 [INFO] +> [CommandExecuter] +> MESSAGE follows: 'The specified 
                   queue could not be found: queue:7_fidgetQueue' 
20:53:47 [INFO] +> [CommandExecuter] Usage: queue (queue:<id>) 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:47 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:48 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:48 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:48 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:48 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:48 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:48 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:49 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:49 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:49 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:49 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:49 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:49 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:49 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:49 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:49 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:49 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:49 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'. 
20:53:49 [INFO]  ERROR! Invalid definition name 'null'.