Paste #4163: Untitled Paste

Date: 2014/05/06 19:51:13 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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# Configurations

  type: task
  debug: true

# Each parent node is the default configurations for each config file type

    # Version Number DONT TOUCH
    version: 0.1

    # Price per block when claiming a region
    BlockPrice: 0.5

    # Percent of BlockPrice to refund when removing a region
    Refund: 80

    # Remove region from market list when occupied
      - sell
      - lease
      - rent

    # Can players extend rent region
    CanExtend: true

    # Number of times a rental can be extended. -1 for infinite
    MaxRentExtend: -1

    # Amount of time the player can extend their rent in advance.
    MaxRentExtendDuration: 30d

    # Tell Player his lease renewed
    ShowLeaseRenewMessage: true

    # Time before rent expires to remind player
    ShowRentExpireWarning: 20

    # Rollback region on lease or rent termination
      - let
      - rent

# ------ 

#    - define keylist 'list of all keys in config'
#    - foreach <def[keylist].as_list> {
#      - define node
#      }

# This helper script fetches default configuration values.
# <proc[WGrgConfigHelper].context[entry|node]>
  type: procedure
  definitions: 'entry|node'
  debug: true

    - define key <s@WGRegionMarketConfigurations.constant[%entry%.%node%]>
    - if !<def[key].as_list.is_empty> {
      - if <def[key].as_list.size> > 1 {
        - determine 'Handle a list'
        else determine 'Handle single value'
      else determine 'null'

  type: world
  debug: false
    on rginfo command:
# example: /rginfo value <> town3 owners.players
    - define type '<c.args.get[1]>'
    - define world '<c.args.get[2]>'
    - define regionID '<c.args.get[3]>'
    - define key '<c.args.get[4]>'
    - inject s@WGrgFetch
    - narrate "<def[result]>"
    - inject s@FinishCommand

    on plotsinit command:
    - inject s@WGrgConfigInit
    - inject s@FinishCommand

    on plotsconf command:
    - inject s@WGrgConfigInit
    - inject s@FinishCommand

  type: task
  debug: true
    - if !<server.has_file[Plots/config.yml]> {
      - narrate "<&b>Creating Plots config.yml ..."
      - inject s@WGrgConfigInit p:config
      - narrate "<&b>Done!"
      - yaml unload id:PlotsConfig
      else narrate "<&a>config.yml already exists!"

    - if !<server.has_file[Plots/limits.yml]> {
      - narrate "<&b>Creating Plots limits.yml ..."
      - inject s@WGrgConfigInit p:limits
      - narrate "<&b>Done!"
      - yaml unload id:PlotsLimits
      else narrate "<&a>limits.yml already exists!"

    - foreach <server.list_worlds> {
      - define world <def[value].name>
      - if !<server.has_file[Plots/Worlds/%world%.yml]> {
        - narrate "<&b>Creating Plots Worlds/%world%.yml ..."
        - inject s@WGrgConfigInit p:worlds
        - narrate "<&b>Done!"
        - yaml unload id:PlotsRegions_%world%
        else narrate "<&a>%world%.yml already exists!"

    - yaml create id:PlotsConfig
    - yaml write:version value:0.1 id:PlotsConfig
    - yaml write:BlockPrice value:0.5 split_list id:PlotsConfig
    - yaml write:Refund value:80 split_list id:PlotsConfig
    - yaml write:RemoveFromList value:rent|lease|sell split_list id:PlotsConfig
    - yaml write:CanExtend value:true split_list id:PlotsConfig
    - yaml write:MaxRentExtend value:-1 split_list id:PlotsConfig
    - yaml write:MaxRentExtendDuration value:30d split_list id:PlotsConfig
    - yaml write:ShowLeaseRenewMessage value:true split_list id:PlotsConfig
    - yaml write:ShowRentExpireWarning value:20m split_list id:PlotsConfig
    - yaml write:RollbackOnExpire value:rent|lease split_list id:PlotsConfig
    - yaml write:CanExtend value:true split_list id:PlotsConfig
    - yaml savefile:Plots/config.yml id:PlotsConfig

    - yaml create id:PlotsLimits
    - yaml write:version value:0.1 split_list id:PlotsLimits

    - yaml write:global id:PlotsLimits
    - define yamlID 'PlotsLimits'
    - define path 'global'
    - inject s@WGrgConfigInit p:plotTypeLoop

    - yaml write:worlds id:PlotsLimits
    - foreach <server.list_worlds> {
      - define path worlds.<def[value].name>
      - inject s@WGrgConfigInit p:plotTypeLoop

    - yaml write:groups id:PlotsLimits
    - define groups 'citizen|lumberjack|miner|mason|engineer|farmer|alchemist|armorer|blacksmith|enchanter|contractor|electrician|realtor'
    - foreach <def[groups].as_list> {
      - define groupPath groups.<def[value]>
      - define path <def[groupPath]>.global
      - inject s@WGrgConfigInit p:plotTypeLoop
      - foreach <server.list_worlds> {
        - define path <def[groupPath]>.worlds.<def[value].name>
        - inject s@WGrgConfigInit p:plotTypeLoop

    - yaml savefile:Plots/limits.yml id:PlotsLimits

    - yaml create id:PlotsRegions_%world%
    - yaml write:version value:0.1 id:PlotsRegions_%world%
    - yaml savefile:Plots/Worlds/%world%.yml id:PlotsRegions_%world%

    - define types 'rent|lease|buy|sell'
    - foreach <def[types].as_list> {
      - yaml write:%path%.%value% value:-1 split_list id:%yamlID%

# We can read WorldGuard files! This is just a basic test of how this all works.
#    - define type <value || keys>
#    - define world <>
#    - define regionID <someRegion>
#    - define key <key in regions.yml>
#    - inject s@WGrgFetch
#    - narrate "do something with <def[result]>"
  type: task
  debug: false
  - yaml 'load:../WorldGuard/worlds/%world%/regions.yml' 'id:WorldGuardRegions_%world%'
  - if <def[type].is[==].to[value]> define result <yaml[WorldGuardRegions_%world%].read[regions.%regionID%.%key%]>
    else if <def[type].is[==].to[keys]> define result <yaml[WorldGuardRegions_%world%].list_keys[regions.%regionID%.%key%]>
    else define result "Unknown type"
  - yaml unload 'id:WorldGuardRegions_%world%'