FurnaceBlock: type: world debug: true events: on player right clicks with i@lightninghilt: - inventory open d:in@ancientrapierrecipe on item recipe formed: - if { - foreach { - if { - determine cancelled } } } on furnace burns item: - if { - DETERMINE CANCELLED } on furnace smelts item: - if && { - DETERMINE CANCELLED } on player damages entity: - if && == 1 { - strike no_damage - burn - determine } ancientrapierrecipe: type: inventory inventory: WORKBENCH slots: - "[] [] [i@ancientingot]" - "[] [] [i@ancientingot]" - "[] [] [i@lightninghilt]" ancientrapier: type: item material: i@DIAMOND_SWORD display name: '<&6>Ancient Rapier' lore: - Runes along the blade, the hilt embedded with gems and wrapped in what seems like little sparks. - Made by the craftmanship of an ancient forge spell. enchantments: - KNOCKBACK:1 - LOOT_BONUS_MOBS:1 - DAMAGE_ALL:1 - DAMAGE_UNDEAD:2 - DURABILITY:3 recipe: - i@air|i@ancientingot|i@air - i@air|i@ancientingot|i@air - i@air|i@lightninghilt|i@air no_id: false bound: false lightninghilt: type: item material: i@blaze_rod display name: 'Rusty Hilt' lore: - Are those tiny diamonds or sparks on this hilt? - Right click for the recipe. no_id: false bound: false ancientshard: type: item material: i@quartz debug: false display name: 'Magic Shard' lore: - A magic, with runes embedded shard. - Need other parts like a hilt, string to create something new from. no_id: false bound: false ancientingot: type: item material: i@iron_ingot debug: false display name: 'Magic Ingot' lore: - The ingot feels blazing hot, even when submerged in water yet as strong as diamond. - Need other parts like a hilt, string to create something new from. furnace_recipe: i@ancientshard no_id: false bound: false