Paste #4178: Edit of P#4177 - Edit of P#4173 - Untitled Paste

Date: 2014/05/07 09:21:19 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: assignment
  default constants:
    cN1: 1|2
    cN11: 1|2|3|4|5|6|7
    cN117: 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9
  interact scripts:
  - 1 spawnhubtravel1
  - trigger name:chat toggle:true
  - trigger name:click toggle:true
  - trigger name:proximity toggle:true radius:3 cooldown:10

  type: interact
      proximity trigger:
          - random {
            - chat "<green>Good day <white><><green> I am here to help you.&7 (Right click me)"
            - chat "<green>Ah <white><><green>, my job is to help you.&7 (Right click me)"
            - chat "<green>Good day! Need help? Ask me!&7 (Right click me)"
            - chat "<green>Ah, <white><><green>, ask me if you need help!&7 (Right click me)"
          - flag player "chatSelect:1"
      click trigger:
          - flag player "repeatLast:true"
          - inject spawnhubtravel1ChatNav
      chat trigger:
            trigger: //
            - inject spawnhubtravel1ChatNav

  type: task
  - if <cons:cN<player.flag[chatSelect]>> contains <player.chat_history> && <player.flag[repeatLast]> == false {
    - flag player "chatSelect:<player.flag[chatSelect]><player.chat_history>"

    } else if <player.flag[repeatLast]> == true {
    - flag player "repeatLast:false"

    } else if <player.chat_history> == 0 {
    - flag player "chatSelect:2"

    } else {
    - chat "<green>What? Options; <cons:cN<player.flag[chatSelect]>>"

  - if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 1 {
    - look <location.player>
    - chat "<green>Hello <white><><green> where can i bring you to??"
    - ^narrate "type the number of the option you want in the chat."
    - ^narrate "1. Visitorcentre"
    - ^narrate "2. Minigames"
    - ^narrate "3. Shops"
    - ^narrate "4. Roleplay"
    - ^narrate "5. Survival"
    - ^narrate "6. Mods & texturepacks"
    - ^narrate "7. Spawn"

    } else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 11 {
    - trigger chat state:false
    - trigger click state:false
    - trigger proximity state:false
    - mount  <player>|<npc>
    - chat "Okay, there we go to the Visitorcenter!"
    - walk <1176,38,280,Spawn> auto_range speed:1.5
    - if <npc.location> == <l@1176,38,278,Spawn> {
      - inject s@spawnhubstoptravel1

      } else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 111 {
      - random {
        - chat "<green>The Hub excists out of different roads leading to all kinds of games Fixiebrick offers."
        - chat "<green>The Hub is the central point of the server where you can join any kind of game."
        - chat "<green>The Hub is built with the intention to serve the players in finding their favorite game."
        - chat "<green>In The Hub you can meet other players and play some of our games together."
      - wait 2
      - random {
        - chat "<green>If you like to join our minigames, you can take the path to the left of you."
        - chat "<green>Do you want more information about our server? ask in the visitor centre ahead of us."
        - chat "<green>Be sure to tryout <white>Capture the Point<green> the amazing minigame!"
        - chat "<green>Are you a man of Wealth? then you can buy stuff in our shop!"

      } else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 112 {
      - chat "<green>What can i do here? are you serious <white><><green>?"
      - wait 2
      - chat "<green>There is loads to do on our server, you can do minigames, Roleplay, Survival or join the buildteam."
      - wait 5
      - chat "<green>We have multiple minigames like capture the point and survive, you can play these games with your friends."
      - wait 5
      - chat "<green>Beside of that we have a massive roleplayworld wich is not open yet, so we can use your help!"
      - wait 5
      - chat "<green>If you want to help us on the roleplayserver you have to subscribe for that in the buildersroom."
      - wait 5
      - chat "<green>But be warned, only the best of the best get accepted!"
      - wait 5
      - chat "<green>Well this is all i can tell you for now. Have a nice day!"

      } else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 113 {

      } else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 114 {

      } else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 115 {

      } else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 116 {

      } else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 117 {
      - chat "<green>Test7"

      } else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 1151 {

      } else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 1152 {

      } else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 1153 {

      } else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 1154 {

      } else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 1155 {

      } else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 1156 {

      } else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 1157 {

      } else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 1158 {

      } else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 1159 {

      } else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 12 {
      - flag player "chatSelect:2"
      - flag player "repeatLast:true"
      - inject spawnhubtravel1ChatNav

      } else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 2 {
      - random {
        - chat "<green>Goodbye <white><><green>."
        - chat "<green>Goodbye <white><><green>, hope I helped!"
        - chat "<green>Hope to see you around <white><><green>."
        - chat "<green>Hope I helped <white><><green>."}
        - flag player "chatSelect:1"

      } else {
      - chat "<green>Error! Unknown chat path... contact admin / technician"
      - announce to_ops "Error! Unknown chat path; guardInteract, <player.flag[repeatLast]> + <player.flag[chatSelect]> + <player.chat_history>"
    - ^narrate "0. Exit"

  type: task
  - mount cancel <player>|<npc>
  - wait 1
  - trigger chat state:true
  - trigger click state:true
  - trigger click state:true
  - teleport <npc> <1117,42,278,Spawn>
  - listen travel type:tolocation location:1117,42,278,Spawn radius:5 script:spawnhubtravel1