Paste #42174: Denizen Debug Logs From A Minecraft Server

Date: 2017/05/23 21:51:38 UTC-07:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 1.8.0_91
Up-time: 9h 45m
CraftBukkit Version: git-Spigot-3fb9445-6e3cec8 (MC: 1.11.2)
Denizen Version: Core: 1.15 (Build 89), CraftBukkit: 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT (build 170)
Active Plugins (5): SQLPerms: 2.3.2, Denizen: 1.0.1-SNAPSHOT (build 170), EzChat: 1.1.0, ProtocolSupport: 4.25, 
Depenizen: 1.0.0 (build 380)
Loaded Worlds (1): Garden
Online Players (1): Xanderpitz(Xanderpitz)
Offline Players: 0
Mode: offline

00:51:32 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'ENCHANTCOMMAND_ReachingCcThreshold'... 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Queue 'ENCHANTCOMMAND_ReachingCcThreshold' Executing: CHOOSE 
00:51:32 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: CHOOSE/p@Xanderpitz ---------+ 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <player.item_in_hand.material.bukkit_enum> with 
00:51:32 [INFO] +> Executing 'CHOOSE': choice='STONE_SWORD' 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Queue 'ENCHANTCOMMAND_ReachingCcThreshold' Executing: 
                   INVENTORY "open" "d:in@SwordEnchantGUI" 
00:51:32 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: INVENTORY/p@Xanderpitz ---------+ 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&3> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&l> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&sp> with ' '. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&e> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&l> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&r> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&sp> with ' '. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&sp> with ' '. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&e> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&l> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&r> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&sp> with ' '. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&sp> with ' '. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&e> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&l> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&r> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&sp> with ' '. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&sp> with ' '. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&e> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&l> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&r> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&sp> with ' '. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&sp> with ' '. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&e> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&l> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&r> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&sp> with ' '. 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
00:51:32 [INFO] +> Executing 'INVENTORY': actions='[open]'  
                   Inventory='in@SWORDENCHANTGUI'  slot='1' 
00:51:32 [INFO]  Completing queue 'ENCHANTCOMMAND_ReachingCcThreshold' in 
00:51:34 [INFO] +> Executing 'Event': Type='on player clicks in 
                   SWORDENCHANTGUI'  Container='SHIFTEVENTS(WORLD)'  
                   &sse&sslUnbreaking&ssr &ss7-], cursor_item=i@air, raw_slot=1, 
                   is_shift_click=false, slot_type=CONTAINER, action=PICKUP_ALL, 
                   slot=1, inventory=in@SWORDENCHANTGUI, click=LEFT, 
00:51:34 [INFO] +- Building event 'ON PLAYER CLICKS IN SWORDENCHANTGUI' for 
                   SHIFTEVENTS ---------+ 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Queue 'SHIFTEVENTS_JaguarComparableDistricts' Executing: FLAG 
                   "player" "enchantmenu:<context.inventory>" 
00:51:34 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: FLAG/p@Xanderpitz ---------+ 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Filled tag <context.inventory> with 'in@SWORDENCHANTGUI'. 
00:51:34 [INFO] +> Executing 'FLAG': flag_name='ENCHANTMENU'  
00:51:34 [INFO]  Queue 'SHIFTEVENTS_JaguarComparableDistricts' Executing: 
                   CHOOSE "<context.slot>" 
00:51:34 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: CHOOSE/p@Xanderpitz ---------+ 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Filled tag <context.slot> with '1'. 
00:51:34 [INFO] +> Executing 'CHOOSE': choice='1' 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Queue 'SHIFTEVENTS_JaguarComparableDistricts' Executing: 
                   INVENTORY "open" "d:in@UnbreakingEnchantGUI" 
00:51:34 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: INVENTORY/p@Xanderpitz ---------+ 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Filled tag <&3> with ''. 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Filled tag <&l> with ''. 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Filled tag <&e> with ''. 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Filled tag <&co> with ':'. 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Filled tag <&sp> with ' '. 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Filled tag <&e> with ''. 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Filled tag <s@Config.yaml_key[enchantingcost.Unbreaking.1]> 
                   with '12'. 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Filled tag <&e> with ''. 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Filled tag <&co> with ':'. 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Filled tag <&sp> with ' '. 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Filled tag <&e> with ''. 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Filled tag <s@Config.yaml_key[enchantingcost.Unbreaking.2]> 
                   with '25'. 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Filled tag <&e> with ''. 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Filled tag <&co> with ':'. 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Filled tag <&sp> with ' '. 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Filled tag <&e> with ''. 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Filled tag <s@Config.yaml_key[enchantingcost.Unbreaking.3]> 
                   with '45'. 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Filled tag <&4> with ''. 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Filled tag <&l> with ''. 
00:51:34 [INFO] +> Executing 'INVENTORY': actions='[open]'  
                   Inventory='in@UNBREAKINGENCHANTGUI'  slot='1' 
00:51:34 [INFO]  Completing queue 'SHIFTEVENTS_JaguarComparableDistricts' in 
00:51:35 [INFO] +> Executing 'Event': Type='on player clicks in 
                   UNBREAKINGENCHANTGUI'  Container='SHIFTEVENTS(WORLD)'  
                   BACK], cursor_item=i@air, raw_slot=9, is_shift_click=false, 
                   slot_type=CONTAINER, action=PICKUP_ALL, slot=9, 
                   inventory=in@UNBREAKINGENCHANTGUI, click=LEFT, 
                   for SHIFTEVENTS ---------+ 
00:51:35 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'SHIFTEVENTS_PdfCognitiveConnect'... 
00:51:35 [INFO]  Queue 'SHIFTEVENTS_PdfCognitiveConnect' Executing: DETERMINE 
                   "passively" "cancelled" 
00:51:35 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: DETERMINE/p@Xanderpitz ---------+ 
00:51:35 [INFO] +> Executing 'DETERMINE': outcome='cancelled'  
00:51:35 [INFO]  Queue 'SHIFTEVENTS_PdfCognitiveConnect' Executing: CHOOSE 
00:51:35 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: CHOOSE/p@Xanderpitz ---------+ 
00:51:35 [INFO]  Filled tag <context.slot> with '9'. 
00:51:35 [INFO] +> Executing 'CHOOSE': choice='9' 
00:51:35 [INFO]  Queue 'SHIFTEVENTS_PdfCognitiveConnect' Executing: INVENTORY 
                   "open" "d:in@<player.flag[enchantmenu]>" 
00:51:35 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: INVENTORY/p@Xanderpitz ---------+ 
00:51:35 [INFO]  Filled tag <player.flag[enchantmenu]> with 
00:51:35 [INFO]  ERROR! Value of dInventory returning null. Invalid dInventory 
                   specified: in@in@SWORDENCHANTGUI 
00:51:35 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'SHIFTEVENTS'! Woah! An exception has been 
                   called with this command! 
00:51:35 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'SHIFTEVENTS'! Internal exception was thrown! 
00:51:35 [SEVERE] java.lang.NullPointerException
00:51:35 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.utilities.Conversion.getInventory(
00:51:35 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.scripts.commands.item.InventoryCommand.parseArgs(
00:51:35 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.commands.CommandExecuter.execute(
00:51:35 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptEngine.revolve(
00:51:35 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue.revolve(
00:51:35 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.core.InstantQueue.onStart(
00:51:35 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue$
00:51:35 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizencore.scripts.queues.ScriptQueue.start(
00:51:35 [SEVERE]
00:51:35 [SEVERE]
00:51:35 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.scripts.containers.core.BukkitWorldScriptHelper.doEvents(
00:51:35 [SEVERE] net.aufdemrand.denizen.scripts.containers.core.BukkitWorldScriptHelper.inventoryClickEvent(
00:51:35 [SEVERE] sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor134.invoke(Unknown Source)
00:51:35 [SEVERE] sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
00:51:35 [SEVERE] java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
00:51:35 [SEVERE]$1.execute(
00:51:35 [SEVERE] org.bukkit.plugin.RegisteredListener.callEvent(
00:51:35 [SEVERE] org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.fireEvent(
00:51:35 [SEVERE] org.bukkit.plugin.SimplePluginManager.callEvent(
00:51:35 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.PlayerConnection.a(
00:51:35 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.PacketPlayInWindowClick.a(SourceFile:33)
00:51:35 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.PacketPlayInWindowClick.a(SourceFile:10)
00:51:35 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.PlayerConnectionUtils$
00:51:35 [SEVERE] java.util.concurrent.Executors$
00:51:35 [SEVERE]
00:51:35 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.SystemUtils.a(SourceFile:46)
00:51:35 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.D(
00:51:35 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.DedicatedServer.D(
00:51:35 [SEVERE] net.minecraft.server.v1_11_R1.MinecraftServer.C(
00:51:35 [SEVERE]
00:51:35 [SEVERE]
00:51:35 [INFO] +> [Denizen] (Attempted: INVENTORY "open" 
00:51:35 [INFO] +---------------------+ 
00:51:35 [INFO]  Completing queue 'SHIFTEVENTS_PdfCognitiveConnect' in 4ms.