Paste #42543: Edit of P#42542 - Edit of P#42541 - Untitled Paste

Date: 2017/06/11 04:06:57 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: world
  debug: false
    on craftrealms command:
    - determine passively FULFILLED
    - if <context.args.get[1]||false> == cp {
      - if <player.has_flag[lastcheckpointdungeon]||false> {
        - flag <player> teleportationallowednow:true duration:10s
        - teleport <player> <player.flag[lastcheckpointdungeon]>
    on player teleports:
    - if <yaml[worldconfig_<>].read[DungeonScript]||false> == FALSE {
      - queue clear
    - if <yaml[dungeon-chunks].read[dungeonchunks].contains[<context.destination.chunk>]||false> && <yaml[dungeon-chunks].read[dungeonchunks].contains[<player.location.chunk>]||false> {
      - narrate "Teleportation within dungeonchunks not allowed."
      - determine destination:<player.location>
      else if <yaml[dungeon-chunks].read[dungeonchunks].contains[<context.destination.chunk>]||false> && <player.has_flag[teleportationallowednow]||false> {
      - flag <player> respawnprotection:true duration:20s
      - narrate "You have been teleported to your most recent <&4>Dungeon Checkpoint<&r>"
      - run s@respawnprotection player:<player>
      - determine fulfilled
      else if <yaml[dungeon-chunks].read[dungeonchunks].contains[<context.destination.chunk>]||false> {
      - narrate "Please use <&4>/craftrealms cp<&r> to teleport to your latest checkpoint within a dungeon."
      - determine destination:<player.location>