Paste #42887: BendingInteract

Date: 2017/07/01 23:26:19 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: assignment
        on assignment:
        - trigger name:proximity state:true radius: 20
    interact scripts:
    - 10 bendingintro_interact

    type: interact
            proximity trigger:
                    - narrate format:cchat "Hey <>! Welcome to the Bending Tutorial!"
                    - wait 3s
                    - narate format:cchat "This is the core aspect of the server and contains many features!"
                    - wait 3s
                    - narrate format:cchat "Ok so there are Four Elements including <&7>Air<&2>, <&b>Water<&2>, <&a>Earth<&2>, and <&c>Fire<&2>."
                    - wait 3s
                    - narrate format:cchat "There is also a group of people called the <&6>Chiblockers <&2>who believe benders oppress the people and are the world's greatest threat and therefore use a specific fighting technique to temporarily disable benders from bending by blocking their Chi!"
                    - wait 8s
                    - narrate format:cchat "They are also known as the <&6>Equalists<&2>."
                    - wait 2s
                    - narrate format:cchat "These people cannot bend, but they are still very skilled fighters and are not to be taken lightly."
                    - wait 4s
                    - narrate format:cchat "Alright, so now you have the opportunity to learn more about and become part of the Bending Society or the Equalists!"
                    - wait 3s
                    - zap 1
                    - narrate format:cchat "Good luck on your Journey!"
                    - zap 1