Paste #4289: Untitled Paste

Date: 2014/05/12 10:27:52 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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#Made by: KeangDavid 
    type: world
        on player command:
        - if <player.flag[person]> != null {
          - flag player person:!
          - narrate "<red>  You have toggled player shift clicking OFF."
          - determine FULFILLED
          - queue clear
        - if <player.flag[person]> = null {
          - flag player person
          - narrate "<green>  You have toggled player shift clicking ON."
        - determine FULFILLED
        on player right clicks player:
        - if <player.is_sneaking> && <player.flag[person]> == null narrate "<blue>  Type <aqua>/player<blue> to turn this interaction on."
        - if <player.flag[person]> != null && <player.is_sneaking> {
          - flag player person:<>
          - flag global person:<>
          - inventory open d:in@playermenue player:<>
        on player clicks in inventory:
        - if <context.inventory.id_holder> == CHEST {
          - if <context.item.display> == Inspect execute as_op "inspect <player.flag[person]>"
          - if <context.item.display> == Friend narrate "<yellow>  No current friend system"
          - if <context.item.display> == UnFriend narrate "<yellow>  Why can't we be?"
          - if <context.item.display> == Ignore execute as_player "ignore <player.flag[person]>"
          - if <context.item.display> == Teleport execute as_player "tpa <player.flag[person]>"
          - if <context.item.display> == Ride && <player.location.distance[<p@<player.flag[person]>.location>]> < 5 mount <player>|p@<player.flag[person]> <p@<player.flag[person]>.location>

    type: inventory
    inventory: CHEST
    title: "<global.flag[person]>"
    size: 36
        book: "i@bookshelf[display_name=Info;lore=Health: <p@<global.flag[person]>.health>/<p@<global.flag[person]>.health.max>]|Balance: <p@<global.flag[person]>.money>]"
        inspect: "i@eye_of_ender[display_name=Inspect;lore=Show a players MCMMO|stats in a scoreboard.]"
        ride: "i@saddle[display_name=Ride;lore=Ride <global.flag[person]>.]"
        info: "i@playerinfo"
        friend: "i@green_stained_glass[display_name=Friend]"
        unfriend: "i@lime_stained_glass[display_name=UnFriend]"
        unblock: "i@pink_stained_glass[display_name=UnBlock]"
        ignore: "i@pink_stained_glass[display_name=Ignore]"
        block: "i@red_stained_glass[display_name=Block]"
        teleport: "i@ender_pearl[display_name=Teleport]"
        - "[info] [inspect] [teleport] [ride] [] [] [] [] [friend]"
        - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [unfriend]"
        - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [ignore]"
        - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [block]"
    type: item
    material: human_skull
    display name: "Info: <global.flag[person]>"
    - "Name: <light_purple><p@<global.flag[skull]>.name.display>"
    - "Health: <light_purple><p@<global.flag[skull]>.health.as_int>/<p@<global.flag[skull]>.health.max.as_int>"
    - "Money: <light_purple><p@<global.flag[skull]>.money.as_int>"
    - "World: <light_purple><p@<global.flag[skull]>>"
    - "Cords; <light_purple>X:<p@<global.flag[skull]>.location.x.as_int>, Y:<p@<global.flag[skull]>.location.y.as_int>, Z:<p@<global.flag[skull]>.location.z.as_int>"
    - "Corpse: <light_purple><p@<global.flag[skull]>.flag[body]>"
    no_id: true