Paste #43068: Untitled Paste

Date: 2017/07/14 19:04:06 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: world
    debug: true
        on player right clicks wall_sign: 
        - narrate "<&b>You found the hidden portal to the Arachni Dungeon..." 
        - wait 2s
        - ~run initiate_instance def:spiderDungeon save:instance 
        - teleport <player> <entry[instance].created_queue.determination.spawn_location> 
        on player enters spiderDungeon instance:
        - flag player spiderDungeonWave:1
        - wait 2s        
        - narrate "<&b>You find yourself on the other side of the portal... in the Arachni Dungeon!" 
        - wait 1s
        - narrate "<&b>You must obtain the diamond block to exit the dungeon!" 
        - wait 1s
        - run spiderSpawns instantly def:<pl>
        on player breaks diamond_block: 
        - if <proc[get_instance_blueprint].context[<proc[get_instance]>]> == spiderDungeon { 
          - narrate "<&b>You did it!" 
          - teleport <player> <proc[get_instance_entry_location]> 
    type: task
    debug: true
    definitions: player
    - announce <def[player]>
    - if <pl.flag[spiderDungeonWave].contains[1]> {
      - foreach <yaml[spiderDungeon].list_keys[Waves.wave1.spawnpoints]||null> {
        - spawn spider <yaml[spiderDungeon].read[Waves.wave1.spawnpoints.<def[value]>]||null>,<>
        - wait 2s