dRegions_ConfigFileGenerator: type: task debug: false definitions: readID|writeID|readPath|writePath|update script: - ^define keylist '' - ^if '%keylist%' != 'null' { - if '%keylist%' == 'li@' { - yaml set '%writePath%:|:' 'id:%writeID%' } else { - inject locally p:foreachKeylist instantly } } else { - define entry '' - if { - foreach '%entry%' { - if || %update% { - yaml set '%writePath%:->:%value%' 'id:%writeID%' } } } else { - if '' || '%update%' { - yaml set '%writePath%:%entry%' 'id:%writeID%' } } } foreachKeylist: - foreach '%keylist%' { - run s@dRegions_ConfigFileGenerator 'def:%readID%|%writeID%|%readPath%.%value%|%writePath%.%value%|%update%' instantly } dRegions_Configurations: type: yaml data config: version: 0.32 clear_cache_on_restart: false language: us stats: About: This allows sending basic dRegions usage info to the Script Tracker system created by BlackCoyote. Doing this helps me focus my development efforts. Please enable webget in the Denizen config.yml file and here to participate. useStats: true regions: enable: true invincibility-removes-mobs: false invincibility-confuses-mobs: false wand: drg_wand ownerOnDefine: false claim: max-volume: 0 only-inside-existing-regions: true max-region-count-per-player: default: 7 spread: water: true water-list: [] lava: true lava-list: [] mycel: true grass: true mushroom: true vines: true