Paste #43538: Denizen Debug Logs From erpg - public server

Date: 2017/08/16 14:36:07 UTC-07:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 1.8.0_101
Up-time: 18h 5m
CraftBukkit Version: git-Spigot-de459a2-51263e9 (MC: 1.10.2)
Denizen Version: Core: 1.15 (Build 90), CraftBukkit: 1.0.2-SNAPSHOT (build Unknown)
Active Plugins (40): AsyncWorldEditInjector: 2.2.2, dynmap: 2.5-Dev201706100405, WorldEdit: 6.1.1-SNAPSHOT;3394-9a65bdb7, 
HealthBar: 1.8.3, PlgSetspawn: 5.0, Essentials: TeamCity, LogBlock: 1.70, 
goBrush: 1.0.1, BukkitCompat: R22A, Craftconomy3: 3.3-e72ac42-trv178, Modifyworld: 1.19.7, 
WorldBorder: 1.8.4, BukkitOnlineTime: 1.6, ProtocolLib: 4.2.1, WorldGuard: 6.1.2;e38d98d, 
Multiverse-Core: 2.5-b719, LibsDisguises: 9.0.9, NoCheatPlus: 3.15.1-RC-sMD5NET-b1084, 
erpgREQ: 1.0.0, OldCombatMechanics: 1.4.2, AsyncWorldEdit: 2.2.2, SchematicBrush: 0.5.2-Dev201707121734, 
SignColours: 1.5, VoxelSniper: 5.170.0-SNAPSHOT-jnks317-gitfcb8fe1, BetterBrushes:, 
PermissionsEx: 1.23.4, 173generator: unknown, Vault: 1.5.6-b49, TimeLock: 0.5, 
iControlU: 1.9.4, ArmorStandTools: 2.1.1, LWC: 4.5.0-SNAPSHOT, Citizens: 2.0.21-SNAPSHOT (build 1463), 
MythicMobs: 4.0.1, ServerSigns: 2.9.1, ChatEx: 1.0.11-RELEASE, Denizen: 1.0.2-SNAPSHOT (build Unknown), 
Webizen: 0.2.0, Depenizen: 1.0.0 (build 381), dIRCBot: 0.3 (build 8)
Loaded Worlds (16): OwnReichi, OwnReichi_nether, Spielplatz, BuildLib, Belegear, erpg_edit, noname, 173pre, 
erpg, normaltest, world_upload3, worldTerr, Andora, rilo, Arda, 173-2
Online Players (1): BloodEko(BloodEko)
Offline Players: 56
Mode: online

23:36:10 [INFO] +> Executing 'Event': Type='on player right clicks 
                   ender_portal_frame'  Container='173_REGIONHANDLER(WORLD)'  
                   cuboids=li@, location=l@-190.0,72.0,-608.0,173pre, 
                   for 173_REGIONHANDLER ---------+ 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Queue '173_REGIONHANDLER_CharmsSonyInvestment' Executing: 
23:36:10 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: CHOOSE/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <context.location.simple> with 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <player.flag[173.plot.-190,72,-608,173pre.state]> 
                   with 'owner_sign'. 
23:36:10 [INFO] +> Executing 'CHOOSE': choice='owner_sign' 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Queue '173_REGIONHANDLER_CharmsSonyInvestment' Executing: 
                   FLAG "player" "173.plot.inv_data:->:i@173_PlotSignItem" 
23:36:10 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: FLAG/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
23:36:10 [INFO] +> Executing 'FLAG': flag_name='173.PLOT.INV_DATA'  
23:36:10 [INFO]  Queue '173_REGIONHANDLER_CharmsSonyInvestment' Executing: 
                   INVENTORY "open" "d:in@173_plot_gui_owner" 
23:36:10 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: INVENTORY/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <&sp> with ' '. 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <&f> with ''. 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <&sp> with ' '. 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <&sp> with ' '. 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <&f> with ''. 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <&sp> with ' '. 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <&sp> with ' '. 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <&sp> with ' '. 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_EnzymeRailwayRetail' Executing: 
                   DETERMINE "<player.flag[173.plot.inv_data]||i@sp_glass>" 
23:36:10 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: DETERMINE/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <player.flag[173.plot.inv_data]||i@sp_glass> with 
23:36:10 [INFO] +> Executing 'DETERMINE': outcome='i@173_PlotSignItem'  
23:36:10 [INFO]  Completing queue 'INV_SCRIPT_ITEM_PROC_EnzymeRailwayRetail' 
                   in 1ms. 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <&f> with ''. 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Filled tag <&7> with ''. 
23:36:10 [INFO] +> Executing 'INVENTORY': actions='[open]'  
                   Inventory='in@173_PLOT_GUI_OWNER'  slot='1' 
23:36:10 [INFO]  Completing queue '173_REGIONHANDLER_CharmsSonyInvestment' in 
23:36:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'Event': Type='on player clicks in 
                   173_PLOT_GUI_OWNER'  Container='173_REGIONHANDLER(WORLD)'  
                   einmalig ein Schild um deinen|&ss7Plot zu 
                   makieren&dot|&ss7(linksklick)], cursor_item=i@air, raw_slot=8, 
                   is_shift_click=false, slot_type=CONTAINER, action=PICKUP_ALL, 
                   slot=8, inventory=in@173_PLOT_GUI_OWNER, click=LEFT, 
23:36:11 [INFO] +- Building event 'ON PLAYER CLICKS IN 173_PLOT_GUI_OWNER' for 
                   173_REGIONHANDLER ---------+ 
23:36:11 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 
23:36:11 [INFO]  Queue '173_REGIONHANDLER_HasTemperatureClaimed' Executing: 
                   DETERMINE "passively" "cancelled" 
23:36:11 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: DETERMINE/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
23:36:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'DETERMINE': outcome='cancelled'  
23:36:11 [INFO]  Completing queue '173_REGIONHANDLER_HasTemperatureClaimed' in 
23:36:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'Event': Type='on player clicks 173_PLOTSIGNITEM 
                   in 173_PLOT_GUI_OWNER'  Container='173_REGIONHANDLER(WORLD)'  
                   einmalig ein Schild um deinen|&ss7Plot zu 
                   makieren&dot|&ss7(linksklick)], cursor_item=i@air, raw_slot=8, 
                   is_shift_click=false, slot_type=CONTAINER, action=PICKUP_ALL, 
                   slot=8, inventory=in@173_PLOT_GUI_OWNER, click=LEFT, 
23:36:11 [INFO] +- Building event 'ON PLAYER CLICKS 173_PLOTSIGNITEM IN 
                   173_PLOT_GUI_OWNER' for 173_REGIONHANDLER ---------+ 
23:36:11 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 
23:36:11 [INFO]  Queue '173_REGIONHANDLER_VanillaPissingRecognition' 
                   Executing: RUN "s@sound" "def:custom_item_pickup" 
23:36:11 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: RUN/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
23:36:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'RUN': script='SOUND(TASK)'  
23:36:11 [INFO]  Adding definition %1% as custom_item_pickup 
23:36:11 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'SOUND_ExpensesTackleRicky'... 
23:36:11 [INFO]  Queue 'SOUND_ExpensesTackleRicky' Executing: CHOOSE 
23:36:11 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: CHOOSE/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
23:36:11 [INFO]  Filled tag <s@g_var.yaml_key[sound_engine]> with '19'. 
23:36:11 [INFO]  Filled tag <def[1]> with 'custom_item_pickup'. 
23:36:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'CHOOSE': choice='19_custom_item_pickup' 
23:36:11 [INFO]  Queue 'SOUND_ExpensesTackleRicky' Executing: PLAYSOUND 
                   "<player>" "sound:ENTITY_ITEM_PICKUP" "volume:0.7" 
23:36:11 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: PLAYSOUND/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
23:36:11 [INFO]  Filled tag <player> with 
23:36:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'PLAYSOUND': 
                   sound='ENTITY_ITEM_PICKUP'  volume='0.7'  pitch='1'  
23:36:11 [INFO]  Completing queue 'SOUND_ExpensesTackleRicky' in 2ms. 
23:36:11 [INFO]  Queue '173_REGIONHANDLER_VanillaPissingRecognition' 
                   Executing: GIVE "i@sign" "qty:1" 
23:36:11 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: GIVE/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
23:36:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'GIVE': Type='ITEM'  
                    Quantity='1.0'  engrave='false'  unlimit_stack_size='false'  
                   Items='[i@sign]'  slot='1' 
23:36:11 [INFO]  Queue '173_REGIONHANDLER_VanillaPissingRecognition' 
                   Executing: FLAG "player" "173.plot.inv_data:!" 
23:36:11 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: FLAG/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
23:36:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'FLAG': flag_name='173.PLOT.INV_DATA'  
                   Action/Value='DELETE(false)'  flag_target='p@BloodEko' 
23:36:11 [INFO]  Queue '173_REGIONHANDLER_VanillaPissingRecognition' 
                   Executing: FLAG "player" "173.plot.sign" 
23:36:11 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: FLAG/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
23:36:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'FLAG': flag_name='173.plot.sign'  
                   Action/Value='SET_BOOLEAN(true)'  flag_target='p@BloodEko' 
23:36:11 [INFO]  Queue '173_REGIONHANDLER_VanillaPissingRecognition' 
                   Executing: INVENTORY "close" 
23:36:11 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: INVENTORY/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
23:36:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'INVENTORY': actions='[close]'  
23:36:11 [INFO]  Running script event 'PlayerClosesInv', event='player closes 
                   inventory' for script 'ENV_PLAYER_CLOSES_INV' 
23:36:11 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 
23:36:11 [INFO]  Queue 'ENV_PLAYER_CLOSES_INV_TeachTitledLibs' Executing: 
                   CHOOSE "<context.inventory>" 
23:36:11 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: CHOOSE/p@BloodEko ---------+ 
23:36:11 [INFO]  Filled tag <context.inventory> with 'in@173_PLOT_GUI_OWNER'. 
23:36:11 [INFO] +> Executing 'CHOOSE': choice='in@173_PLOT_GUI_OWNER' 
23:36:11 [INFO]  No result! 
23:36:11 [INFO]  Completing queue 'ENV_PLAYER_CLOSES_INV_TeachTitledLibs' in 
23:36:11 [INFO]  Completing queue 
                   '173_REGIONHANDLER_VanillaPissingRecognition' in 5ms.