Paste #44027: Untitled Paste

Date: 2017/09/01 13:04:32 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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##                 Nations Command                   ##
    type: command
    name: nation
    - n
    - nations
    - choose "<context.args.get[1]>":
        - case "setup":
            - foreach <li@ek|fn|wt|nat|eat|sat|wat|bht|bhs|sw|fst> {
                - if !<server.has_file[<def[value]>]> {
                    - yaml create id <def[value]>
                    - yaml "savefile:/dNations/<def[value]>.yml" id:<def[value]>
                    - yaml unload id:<def[value]>
        - case "apply":
            - if <li@ek|fn|wt|nat|eat|sat|wat|bht|bhs|sw|fst.contains[<context.args.get[2]>]> {
                - yaml id:<context.args.get[2]> set pending_apps.<>:true
                - narrate "<&a>Your app has been sent!"
        - case "apps":
            - if <player.flag[rank]> == leader {
                - if <yaml[<player.flag[nation]>].list_keys[pending_apps]> != null {
                    - inject locally dNations_Apps
                else { - narrate "<&c>You have no pending applications!"}
            else { - narrate "<&c>You do not have permission to check nation apps!"}