Paste #44148: Untitled Paste

Date: 2017/09/05 02:16:00 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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- case "claim": 
            - if <player.flag[rank]> == leader { 
                - define unclaimed true 
                - foreach <yaml[<player.flag[nation]>].list_keys[claimed_chunks]> {
                    - if <def[value]> == <player.location.chunk> {
                        - narrate "<&c>You can't claim a chunk that you already own!"
                        - define unclaimed false
                    - if <def[value].contains[<li@player.location.chunk.add[0,1]|player.location.chunk.add[0,-1]|player.location.chunk.add[1,0]|player.location.chunk.add[-1,0]>]> {
                        - narrate "<&c>Your claimed chunk must be adjacent to your currently claimed territory!"
                        - define unclaimed false
                - foreach <li@ek|fn|wt|nat|eat|sat|wat|bht|bhs|sw|fst> { 
                    - if <yaml[<def[value]>].list_keys[claimed_chunks].contains[<player.location.chunk>]||false> && <yaml[<def[value]>].read[power]||0> > <yaml[<player.flag[nation]>].read[power]||0> && !<yaml[<player.flag[nation]>].read[enemies].contains[<def[value]>]||false> { 
                        - define unclaimed false 
                        - narrate "<&c>This chunk has been claimed by <def[value]>. You may not claim it." 
                        - break 
                - if <def[unclaimed]> { 
                    - narrate "<&a>Chunk is unclaimed. Adding it to this nation's territory." 
                    - yaml id:<player.flag[nation]> set claimed_chunks.<player.location.chunk>
                    - yaml "savefile:dNations/<player.flag[nation]>.yml" id:<player.flag[nation]>                    
            else { 
                - narrate "<&c>Only nation leaders can claim land!" 
        - case "unclaim":
            - if <yaml[<player.flag[nation]>].read[claimed_chunks].contains[<player.location.chunk>]> {
                - yaml id:<player.flag[nation]> set claimed_chunks.<player.location.chunk>:!