Paste #44169: Untitled Paste

Date: 2017/09/05 19:19:57 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: command
    name: tutorial  
    description: The ArmsCraft official tutorial
    usage: /tutorial
    # Startup Commands
    - teleport <player> l@-677,74,593,0,0,world
    - execute <as_server> "gamemode 3 <player>"
    - execute <as_server> "speed 0 <player>"
    - narrate "<&c><&o>Do not log off during the tutorial."
    - wait 2
    - narrate " "
    # Welcome Narrative
    - narrate "<&5><&l>======================================================="
    - narrate "<&7>Welcome to the <&8><&l>Arms<&C><&l>Craft <&r><&7>official tutorial."
    - narrate "<&7>Create a faction, obtain guns, and become the best!"
    - narrate "<&7>This tutorial will teach you what you need to know."
    - narrate "<&7>This tutorial begins in 5 seconds..."
    - narrate "<&5><&l>======================================================="
    - wait 5
    - narrate " "
    #Guns Narrative
    - teleport <player> l@-671,71,585,0,-180,world
    - narrate "<&5><&l>======================================================="
    - narrate "<&7>A key feature of <&8><&l>Arms<&C><&l>Craft is guns!"
    - narrate "<&7>This area is accessible with /warp guns,"
    - narrate "<&7>and explains how guns work, as well as recent gun changes."
    - narrate "<&7>This tutorial continues in 7 seconds..."
    - narrate "<&5><&l>======================================================="
    - wait 7
    - narrate " "
    # Supplier
    - teleport <player> l@-686,71,586,0,-180,world
    - narrate "<&5><&l>======================================================="
    - narrate "<&7>The Supplier is your main method of obtaining guns, armor,"
    - narrate "<&7>and basebuilding materials. You can find him with"
    - narrate "<&7>/warp Supplier"
    - narrate "<&7>This tutorial continues in 6 seconds..."
    - narrate "<&5><&l>======================================================="
    - wait 6
    - narrate " "
    - teleport <player> l@-677,185,593,90,0,world
    - narrate "<&5><&l>======================================================="
    - narrate "<&7>The spawn area is protected by a safezone. Inside, pvp is" 
    - narrate "<&7>disabled. However, once you step outside the red carpet,"
    - narrate "<&7>you enter the warzone, where pvp <&o>is<&r> enabled."
    - narrate "<&7>Beyond the warzone is the wilderness, where you can claim" 
    - narrate "<&7>land and build bases."
    - narrate "<&7>This tutorial continues in 10 seconds..."
    - narrate "<&5><&l>======================================================="
    - wait 10
    - narrate " "
    #Online Shop
    - teleport <player> l@-689,71,566,0,180,world
    - narrate "<&5><&l>======================================================="
    - narrate "<&7><&8><&l>Arms<&C><&l>Craft has an ingame ranking system."
    - narrate "<&7>You can unlock new guns, kits and perks by ranking up."
    - narrate "<&7>/rankup lets you rankup, at a cost. Alternatively, you can"
    - narrate "<&7>buy donator ranks at our online store, as well as other"
    - narrate "<&7>cool loot like exclusive kits and crates!"
    - narrate "<&7>Type /buy to see our online store, ingame!"
    - narrate "<&7>This tutorial finishes in 13 seconds..."
    - narrate "<&5><&l>======================================================="
    - wait 13
    - narrate " "
    - teleport <player> l@-677,74,593,0,0,world
    - narrate "<&7>This is the end of the <&8><&l>Arms<&C><&l>Craft <&r><&7>turoial."
    - narrate "<&7>Good luck, soldier!"
    - execute <as_server> "gamemode survival <player>"
    - execute <as_server> "speed 1 <player>"