Paste #44552: Untitled Paste

Date: 2017/09/21 10:46:53 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    Type: interact
        mode: NONE
            Click Trigger:
                    - if <> == 89 {
                        - zap 2
                    - else {
                    - execute as_op 'tellraw @p ["",{"text":"Maria: ","color":"light_purple","bold":true},{"text":"Aha! Glad you could make it… I think I may have a lead on where the ruins of Linvia are! Go on Filera.","color":"dark_aqua","italic":true,"bold":false}]'
                    - wait 5
                    - execute as_op 'tellraw @p ["",{"text":"Filera: ","color":"green","bold":true},{"text":"Well… I’m sure you’ve heard Excalibur speak of the Starcallers… one of them, Ayana, is known to guard and protect the Four Seasons Tree… which is where the Rhadelians once built their civilization!","color":"dark_aqua","italic":true,"bold":false}]'
                    - wait 9
                    - execute as_op 'tellraw @p ["",{"text":"Filera: ","color":"green","bold":true},{"text":"Every now and then… Ayana visits Excalibur. So… she must surely know how to get there! ","color":"dark_aqua","italic":true,"bold":false}]'
                    - wait 4
                    - execute as_op 'tellraw @p ["",{"text":"Maria: ","color":"light_purple","bold":true},{"text":"That’s right! The townsfolk say The Starcallers protected them from the Nightmare about 12 years ago… to think it’s still around after all this time! Ha! The Pentisan people truly were crazy…","color":"dark_aqua","italic":true,"bold":false}]'
                    - wait 10
                    - look <npc> 263,82,-606,<> duration:10s
                    - look <npc[102]> 263,82,-606,<> duration:15s
                    - wait 3
                    - execute as_op 'tellraw @p ["",{"text":"Filera: ","color":"green","bold":true},{"text":"Oh no... did you hear that?","color":"dark_aqua","italic":true,"bold":false}]'
                    - wait 2
                    - execute as_op 'tellraw @p ["",{"text":"Maria: ","color":"light_purple","bold":true},{"text":"Magic… don’t tell me…","color":"dark_aqua","italic":true,"bold":false}]'
                    - wait 3
                    - execute as_op 'tellraw @p ["",{"text":"Filera: ","color":"green","bold":true},{"text":"Genesis… no, she can’t be serious!","color":"dark_aqua","italic":true,"bold":false}]'
                    - wait 4
                    - execute as_op 'tellraw @p ["",{"text":"Maria: ","color":"light_purple","bold":true},{"text":"Quickly, we must return to town! ","color":"dark_aqua","italic":true,"bold":false}]'
                    - execute as_op 'fill 272 81 -605 272 81 -616 air' silent
                    - execute as_op 'playsound entity.player.levelup master @p' silent
                    - narrate "Follow Maria and Filera back to Excalibur!"
                    - follow followers:<npc>|<npc[102]> target:<player> speed:2.0
                    - wait 15
                    - repeat 100 {
                        - if <npc.location.z> !<= -551 {
                            - follow followers:<npc>|<npc[102]> stop
                            - execute as_op 'tellraw @p ["",{"text":"Filera: ","color":"green","bold":true},{"text":"Eek! Watch out-!","color":"dark_aqua","italic":true,"bold":false}]'
                            - wait 4
                            - execute as_op 'tellraw @p ["",{"text":"Maria: ","color":"light_purple","bold":true},{"text":"The gate is overgrown with bushes! Fend off the spiders while we find a way through!","color":"dark_aqua","italic":true,"bold":false}]'
                            - repeat stop
                        - else {
                            - narrate "Loops done: <def[value]>"