Paste #4508: Untitled Paste

Date: 2014/05/22 11:15:28 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: assignment
    default constants:
      cN1: 1|2
      cN11: 1|2|3|4|5|6|7
      cN117: 1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9
    interact scripts:
    - 1 spawnhubapplystart1
    - trigger name:chat toggle:true
    - trigger name:click toggle:true
    - trigger name:proximity statue:true radius:4

    type: interact
            proximity trigger:
                    - chat "Oh hey, you must be <white><><green> welcome to Fixiebrick, i have been awaiting you!<gray> (Right click me)<green>"
                    - flag player "chatSelect:1"
            click trigger:
                - flag player "repeatLast:true"
                - runtask spawnhubapplychatnav
            chat trigger:
                    trigger: //
                    - runtask spawnhubapplychatnav

    type: task
    - if <cons:cN<player.flag[chatSelect]>> contains <player.chat_history> && <player.flag[repeatLast]> == false {
        - flag player "chatSelect:<player.flag[chatSelect]><player.chat_history>"
        } else if <player.flag[repeatLast]> == true {
        - flag player "repeatLast:false"
        } else if <player.chat_history> == 0 {
        - flag player "chatSelect:2"
        } else {
        - chat "<green>What? Options; <cons:cN<player.flag[chatSelect]>>"
    - if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 1 {
        - chat "Oh, cool so you are interested in becoming a builder on <white>Fixiebrick<green>?"
        - ^narrate "type the number of the option you want in the chat."
        - ^narrate "1. Yes"
        - ^narrate "2. No"
        else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 11 {
        - if <player.flag[application]> != 1 && <player.flag[application]> != 2 && <player.flag[application]> != 3 {
          - chat "Oke, then let me explain what being a builder on <white>fixiebrick<green> means for you!"
          - wait 3
          - chat "Being a builder on <white>Fixiebrick<green> is not easy, you have to qualify through this application process."
          - wait 4
          - chat "Most of the applications are denied because of lack on quality."
          - wait 3
          - chat "We do not care for your speed, we care for the quality that you build!"
          - wait 4
          - chat "The server is medieval and steampunk style, so that's the style you need to build."
          - wait 4
          - chat "If you want to do a application, you get a plot, and can do your application on that plot."
          - wait 4
          - chat "On your own plot you will be able to worldedit."
          - wait 4
          - chat "Do you want to Apply?"
          - ^narrate "type the number of the option you want in the chat."
          - ^narrate "1. Yes"
          - ^narrate "2. No"
        - else if <player.flag[application]> == 1 || <player.flag[application]> == 2 || <player.flag[application]> == 3 {
          - chat "Hmm, it seems that you don't need to start a application anymore <white><>!"
          - wait 4
          - chat "Shall i teleport you to your plot?"
          - ^narrate "type the number of the option you want in the chat."
          - ^narrate "1. Yes"
          - ^narrate "2. No"
        else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 111 {
        - if <player.flag[application]> != 1 && <player.flag[application]> != 2 && <player.flag[application]> != 3 {
          - chat "Great!"
          - wait 1
          - chat "Oke, i will now bring you to your plot,"
          - wait 2
          - flag player "application:1"
          - execute as_op "warp plotworld"
          - execute as_server "pex user <> group set Applicant"
          - execute as_player "plotme auto"
          - wait 0,1
          - create player Trainer <player.location.add[0,0,5]>
          - execute as_op "npc sel"
          - execute as_op "npc assignment --set plothelperassignment"
          - execute as_op "npc look"
          - flag player "personalplottrainer:<>"
        - else if <player.flag[application> == 1 || <player.flag[application]> == 2 {
          - execute as_player "plotme home"
          - chat "There you go, back on your plot!"
        - else if <player.flag[application]> == 3 {
          - chat "I'm sorry, you completed your application before, and you have no plot anymore."
        else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 112 {
        - chat "Oke, hope to see you some other time!"

        else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 113 {

        else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 114 {

        else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 115 {

        else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 116 {

        else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 117 {
        - chat "<green>Test7"

        else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 1151 {

        else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 1152 {

        else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 1153 {

        else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 1154 {

        else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 1155 {

        else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 1156 {

        else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 1157 {


        else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 1158 {


        else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 1159 {


        else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 12 {
        - flag player "chatSelect:2"
        - flag player "repeatLast:true"
        - runtask spawnhubapplychatnav
        } else if <player.flag[chatSelect]> == 2 {
        - random {
            - chat "<green>Goodbye <white><><green>."
            - chat "<green>Goodbye <white><><green>, hope I helped!"
            - chat "<green>Hope to see you around <white><><green>."
            - chat "<green>Hope I helped <white><><green>."}
            - flag player "chatSelect:1"
        } else {
        - chat "<green>Error! Unknown chat path... contact admin / technician"
        - announce to_ops "Error! Unknown chat path; guardInteract, <player.flag[repeatLast]> + <player.flag[chatSelect]> + <player.chat_history>"
        - ^narrate "0. Exit"