Paste #45228: Untitled Paste

Date: 2017/10/26 12:32:59 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: assignment
        on assigment:
        - trigger name:click state:true
        on click:
        - if !<player.has_flag[tenjin]> {
        - chat "Welcome to &4Bad&2Apples &fPvP server. Please take time to listen to what I tell you. &4Most Important: &fOnce you make your class selection you cannot select another, or reselect. Speak to me to learn more"
        - if <player.flag[tenjin]> == 1 {
            - Chat "&fThe &2Archer &fis a long range weapons expert. With his bow and quiver he can make kills from far afield without getting into melee combat. However, he is weak to melee attacks because of this. Ask me about &4Knight"
            - flag <player> tenjin:+:1
            - queue clear
        - if <player.flag[tenjin]> == 2 {
            - Chat "&4Knights &fare a strong melee class, reliant on swords and shields to do maximum damage. Knights need to be close to inflict damage and are weak against ranged attacks. Ask me about &3Dwarves"
            - flag <player> tenjin:+:1
            - queue clear
        - if <player.flag[tenjin]> == 3 {
            - Chat "&3Dwarves &fare axe wielding madman! Chopping down trees and enemies alike, dwarves are happy to get close and personal in melee attacks. Because of this however, they're also weak against ranged attacks. Ask me about &5Mages."
            - flag <player> tenjin:+:1
            - queue clear
        - if <player.flag[tenjin]> == 4 {
            - Chat "&5Mages &fare mystical, magic weilding ranged attack players. Reliant on potions to damage players, they have the backup of their wand which will send a player flying, allowing them to escape. Mages are weak against melee attacks."
            - flag <player> tenjin:+:1
            - queue clear
        - if <player.flag[tenjin]> == 5 {
            - Chat "You've read about all the classes. Feel free to ask me again, or make you choice now. Remeber though : &4You can only choose once!"
            - flag <player> tenjin:!
            - queue clear