Paste #46421: Edit of P#46420 - Untitled Paste

Date: 2018/01/20 11:11:37 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: world
        on player first login:
        - give i@PandoraGuideBook qty:1
        on player chats:
        - if <context.message> CONTAINS '!guidebook' {
            - give PandoraGuideBook qty:1

    type: command
    name: pandoraguide
    description: Get a copy of the Guide to Pandora.
    usage: /pandoraguide
    - narrate "Hi"
    # If already has book
    # Narrate "You already have a copy."
    - give PandoraGuideBook quantity:1

    type: book
    title: Your Guide to Pandora
    author: P1ut0nium
    signed: true
    - Welcome to Pandora!<p>Please remember, we are a FAMILY FRIENDLY server. You will be banned for repeated foul language, cheating/hacking, or bad sportsmanship.
    - Limbo<p>Take the portal to Limbo for special shops, and portals to other worlds.
    - Misc Cmds I<p>/nametoggle<n>/nameinfo<n>
    - Jobs<p>You can join up to 3 jobs in Pandora to earn money.<p>/jobs<n>/jobs browse<n>/jobs leave jobname<n>/jobs leaveall
    - Factions I<p>Head to Sparta to join a faction or create your own.
    - Factions II<p>/f help<n>/f create<n>/f claim<n>/f sethome<n>/f home
    - Faction Mobs<p>/fm spawn<n>/fm color<n>/fm order