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Setting up a coaster

First you have to build a rollercoaster from blocks. If it is your first one I recommend a short track to get the hang of things.

If there is a spot you want the train to stop or pause or wait then you can put a wait sign under that point in the track.


If there is a section you want the train to move faster or slower you can put a speed sign under that point in the track.


The plugin automatically calculates Tilt. If there is a section you want the train to have no tilt, place a tilt sign under that point in the track. (NOTE: Passengers will remain upright at 90 degrees perpindicular to the ground)


If there is a section you want the train to flip upside down (NOTE: Passengers will remain upright at 90 degrees perpindicular to the ground) place an upsidedown sign under that point in the track.


If you want the train to turn on the axis you can add a rotation sign under that point in the track.

<degreesRotation> (NOTE: Can be negative or positive integer between 0 and 360)

false (NOTE: Can be true or false. Overridden by rotation signs.)

After you have done built your test track you follow these steps:

1. Type /rc startpath
2. Go to the start of the track and type /rc addpoint (this point will be where the coaster will start moving from)
3. Every 2nd block forward on the track and type /rc addpoint.(I recommend using Essentials powertool to speed this up)
4. Repeat step 3 until you are finished with the track and you are back in the coaster station. (The last point you set is the place where the
last cart of the train stops)
5. Type /rc build <TrackName>
eg /rc build TestTrack
6. Type /rc reload

You have now created a track. In order to use this track you now have to create a train.

1. Type /rc train create <TrainName> <SeatAmountLoco> <SeatAmountCart> to create a train. (default is 1 seat)
eg /rc train create TestTrain
eg /rc train create TestTrain 1 2 (this makes the locos have 1 seat and the carts have 2 seats)
2. Type /rc train setskin <trainname> <Loco/Cart> To change the skin to an item you are holding and designate that item as the Locomotive or Cart.
eg /rc train setskin TestTrain Loco
eg /rc train setskin TestTrain Cart
3. Type /rc train chairs pos <TrainName> <seat#> <Offset Left Right> <Offset Front Back> <Loco/Cart> to setup the seat positions. (The seat# starts with 0 so if
you have 4 seats in one cart you have to set seat 0, 1, 2 and 3)
eg /rc train chairs pos TestTrain 0 1 -1 Loco (sets the 1st seat in EACH locomotive to be one block offset to the back and one block to the right)
/rc train chairs pos TestTrain 1 -1 -1 Loco (sets the 2nd seat in EACH locomotive to be one block offset to the back and one block to the left)
/rc train chairs pos TestTrain 0 -1 -1 Cart (sets the 1st seat in EACH cart to be one block offset to the back and one block to the left)
/rc train chairs pos TestTrain 1 -1 1 Cart (sets the 2nd seat in EACH cart to be one block offset to the back and one block to the right)
/rc train chairs pos TestTrain 2 1 -1 Cart (sets the 3rd seat in EACH cart to be one block offset to the front and one block to the left)
/rc train chairs pos TestTrain 3 1 1 Cart (sets the 4th seat in EACH cart to be one block offset to the front and one block to the right)
4. Type /rc reload to reload the trains.

Now you are done setting up a train!

The final step is to spawn the train to the track and choose how many carts you want and if the coaster has a locomotive.

/rc spawntrain <TrackName> <TrainName> <AmountOfCarts> <UseLoco, 1=yes, 2=no> <cartOffSet> <minspeed> <maxspeed> <itemStandSize>
NOTE: Minimum integer for <minspeed> is 1. Maximum integer for <maxspeed> is recommended 30, but can be set higher.
eg /rc spawntrain TestTrack TestTrain 7 1 28 1 30 1(Spawns a train using small itemstands with 6 carts and 1 locomotive in front)
eg /rc spawntrain TestTrack TestTrain 8 2 28 1 30 0(Spawns a train using large itemstands with 8 carts and no locomotive)

After the train is spawned in you will have to start the train/track to allow passengers onboard.
/rc starttrain <TrackName>
eg /rc starttrain TestTrack

You can also set a train to loop continuously with a configurable pause inbetween starts.

/rc loop <trackName> <PauseInSeconds>
eg /rc loop TestTrack 30 (This will cause the train to stop for 30 seconds at the end of the build path and then start again automatically regardless of passenger count)

Once your players are on board the train you can type:
/rc locktrain <TrackName> (this keeps players from exiting the train while in motion)
eg /rc locktrain TestTrack
/rc unlocktrain <TrackName> (this allows players to exit the train while in motion)
eg /rc unlocktrain TestTrack

This can also be accomplished by placing a sign under the track at the location you want passengers to be locked in.


Just don't forget to put a sign under the track where you want the passengers to be able to get off the train.
