Paste #47262: can not see problem with chat trigger

Date: 2018/04/24 21:37:14 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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#Click trigger works totally fine
#Chat trigger does not even produce console output

    type: assignment
        on assignment:
        - trigger name:click state:true
        - trigger name:chat state:true
    interact scripts:
    - 10 npc_judge_interact

    type: command
    name: paginate
    description: For internal use only.
    usage: /paginate <&lt>pagenumber<&gt>
    permission: smellycraft.paginate.manual
    permission message: Sorry, this command is run by NPCs only.
    allowed help:
    - determine <player.is_op||<context.server>>
    tab complete:
    - if !<player.is_op||<context.server>> queue clear
    - run s@msgBoxed 'def:smellycraft|<gold>Cato the Younger|<aqua>Provincial Judge|paginate|<context.args.get[1]>|53|5|<player.flag[npc_context].as_npc.flag[entries]>'

    type: interact
            click trigger:
                - flag player npc_context:<npc>
                #if player is rank default
                - if <player.in_group[players.not]> {
                  - flag npc 'entries:Welcome to <green>Legitimus<white>, <gold><><white>! Everyone has been informed of your arrival, and we are glad you have chosen to visit our province.|We need you to agree to our laws before you will be issued a <green>Visa <white>for travelling beyond the capitol.|Are you ready to take your oaths? We should only need five minutes.|<proc[msgChat].context[<&e>Yes|oath|Proceed with oaths]>|<proc[msgChat].context[<&e>No|I would like to look around more.|Wait until later]>|<proc[msgHover].context[Explanation|A brief tutorial on our rules grants permission to use plugins. It also stops the guards from killing you when you try to leave.]>'
                } else {
                  - flag npc 'entries:Hello again <gold><><white>. Is there something I can do for you?|<proc[msgChat].context[<&e>Visa|oath|Proceed with oaths]>'
                - execute as_player "paginate 1"