Paste #47564: Untitled Paste

Date: 2018/05/28 17:40:30 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: task
  speed: 0
  # You need to define what targets the Arcblade can hit. These are using the Bukkit Entity_Type enum, found here
  - define speed 1
  - define validtargets zombie|creeper|skeleton|witch|spider|CAVE_SPIDER|CREEPER|WITHER|Vex
  - define targetlist li@%1%
  - repeat 3:
    - define last <def[targetlist].last>
    - define next <def[last].location.find.entities[%validtargets%].within[%2%].exclude[%targetlist%].first>
    - define targetlist <def[targetlist].include[%next%]>

  - foreach <def[targetlist].exclude[%1%]>
    - playeffect <def[value].location.add[0,1,0]> effect:redstone data:0 visibility:50 quantity:10 offset:0.05
    - define previous <def[targetlist].get[<def[targetlist].find[%value%].sub[1]>]>
    - foreach <def[previous].location.points_between[<def[value].location>].distance[0.1]>
      - playeffect <def[value]> effect:magic_Crit data:0 visibility:50 quantity:1 offset:0.1
    # - wait 0.1s