Paste #47573: Denizen Debug Logs From Be mindful of your thoughts young Padawan.

Date: 2018/05/29 06:09:21 UTC-07:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 1.8.0_171
Up-time: 15h 12m
CraftBukkit Version: git-Spigot-7754231-362ed32 (MC: 1.12.2)
Denizen Version: Core: 1.15 (Build 91), CraftBukkit: 1.0.2-SNAPSHOT (build 1643)
Active Plugins (17): WorldEdit: 6.1.8-SNAPSHOT;cd4729f, Essentials: TeamCity, EssentialsChat: TeamCity, 
GroupManager: 2.0.1-b332, Vault: 1.6.1, EssentialsSpawn: TeamCity, ProtocolLib: 4.3.0, 
WorldGuard: 6.2.1;84bc322, dynmap: 2.5-Dev201706100405, Citizens: 2.0.22-SNAPSHOT (build 1494), 
Sentinel: 1.4 (build 154), Denizen: 1.0.2-SNAPSHOT (build 1643), CraftBook: 3.9-SNAPSHOT-jenkins-CraftBook-179, 
PerWorldInventory: 1.9.0, PlotSquared: 18.05.18-4063525-2001, Multiverse-Core: 2.6.0-SNAPSHOT-b736, 
Multiverse-Portals: 2.5.2-SNAPSHOT-b762
Loaded Worlds (6): Naboo, Naboo_nether, Naboo_the_end, Endor, Coruscant, Geonosis
Online Players (1): MajorLittleLegs(MajorLittleLegs)
Offline Players: 1
Mode: online

14:09:08 [INFO]  Running script event 'PlayerClicksBlock', event='player right 
                   clicks chest in spawn_chest_leggings' for script 'WORLD 
14:09:08 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'WORLD 
14:09:08 [INFO]  Queue 'WORLD MANAGER_CausesProgrammerSending' Executing: IF 
                   "<>" "==" 
                   "i@leather_leggings[dye=co@160,101,64]" "||" 
                   "{" "-" "narrate" "[Spawn Droid]<&co> You already have 
                   leggings in your inventory." "targets:<player>" "}" "else" "{" 
                   "-" "inventory" "clear" "destination:l@322,71,450,Naboo" "-" 
                   "inventory" "add" "destination:l@322,71,450,Naboo" 
                   "origin:i@leather_leggings[dye=co@160,101,64]" "}" 
14:09:08 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/p@MajorLittleLegs ---------+ 
14:09:08 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
14:09:08 [INFO]  Filled tag <> with 'i@air'. 
14:09:08 [INFO]  Comparable='Element(i@air)', Operator='EQUALS', 
                   --> OUTCOME='false' 
14:09:08 [INFO]  Filled tag 
                   with 'false'. 
14:09:08 [INFO]  Queue 'WORLD MANAGER_CausesProgrammerSending' Executing: 
                   INVENTORY "clear" "destination:l@322,71,450,Naboo" 
14:09:08 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: INVENTORY/p@MajorLittleLegs ---------+ 
14:09:08 [INFO] +> Executing 'INVENTORY': actions='[clear]'  
14:09:08 [INFO]  Queue 'WORLD MANAGER_CausesProgrammerSending' Executing: 
                   INVENTORY "add" "destination:l@322,71,450,Naboo" 
14:09:08 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: INVENTORY/p@MajorLittleLegs ---------+ 
14:09:08 [INFO] +> Executing 'INVENTORY': actions='[add]'  
14:09:08 [INFO]  Completing queue 'WORLD MANAGER_CausesProgrammerSending' in 
14:09:12 [INFO]  Running script event 'PlayerClicksBlock', event='player right 
                   clicks chest in spawn_chest_chestplate' for script 'WORLD 
14:09:12 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'WORLD 
14:09:12 [INFO]  Queue 'WORLD MANAGER_DirectedSimilarlySouthwest' Executing: 
                   IF "<>" "==" 
                   "i@leather_chestplate[dye=co@160,101,64]" "||" 
                   "{" "-" "narrate" "[Spawn Droid]<&co> You already have a 
                   chestplate in your inventory." "targets:<player>" "}" "else" 
                   "{" "-" "inventory" "clear" "destination:l@328,71,450,Naboo" 
                   "-" "inventory" "add" "destination:l@328,71,450,Naboo" 
                   "origin:i@leather_chestplate[dye=co@160,101,64]" "}" 
14:09:12 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: IF/p@MajorLittleLegs ---------+ 
14:09:12 [INFO] +> Executing 'IF': use_braces='true' 
14:09:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <> with 'i@air'. 
14:09:12 [INFO]  Comparable='Element(i@air)', Operator='EQUALS', 
                   --> OUTCOME='false' 
14:09:12 [INFO]  Filled tag 
                   with 'true'. 
14:09:12 [INFO]  Queue 'WORLD MANAGER_DirectedSimilarlySouthwest' Executing: 
                   NARRATE "[Spawn Droid]<&co> You already have a chestplate in 
                   your inventory." "targets:<player>" 
14:09:12 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: NARRATE/p@MajorLittleLegs ---------+ 
14:09:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <&co> with ':'. 
14:09:12 [INFO]  Filled tag <player> with 
14:09:12 [INFO] +> Executing 'NARRATE': Narrating='[Spawn Droid]: You already 
                   have a chestplate in your inventory.'  
14:09:12 [INFO]  Completing queue 'WORLD MANAGER_DirectedSimilarlySouthwest' 
                   in 42ms.