Paste #47587: maybe just maybe colors

Date: 2018/05/30 05:56:21 UTC-07:00
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// <--[tag]
// @attribute <i@item.potion_color>
// @returns dColor
// @mechanism dItem.potion_color
// @group properties
// @description
// Returns the color of this potion item.
// -->
if (attribute.startsWith("potion_color") {
    return new dColor(((PotionMeta)item.getItemStack().getItemMeta()).getColor()).getAttribute(attribute.fulfill((1)));


// <--[mechanism]
// @object dItem
// @name potion_color
// @input dColor
// @description
// Sets the potion's color.
// @tags
// <i@item.potion_color>
// -->
if (mechanism.matches("potion_color")) {
    dColor data = mechanism.getValue().asType(dColor.class);
    if (data == null) {
        dB.echoError("Invalid dColor '" + data + "'");
    else {
        PotionMeta meta = (PotionMeta)item.getItemStack().getItemMeta();