Paste #47694: love me v2

Date: 2018/06/04 16:11:20 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: task
  debug: false
  speed: 0
  prefix: '&ss1&ss2&ss1&ss5&ss2&ss0&ss2&ss0&ss0&ss5&ss1&ss8&ss2&ss5&ss0&ss7&ss2&ss1&ss0&ss9&ssr'
  - inventory open 'd:in@generic[title=<script.yaml_key[prefix].unescaped><&6><&l>Lottery GUI;size=27]'
  - wait 1t
  - repeat 50 {
    - define rng '<util.random.decimal>'
    # 10% chance
    - if <def[rng]> < 0.1 {
      - define item 'i@stone[display_name=&sseLucky Stone;lore=&ss6Whippity whoopity, you now have a suspic]'
    # 25% chance
    else if <def[rng]> < 0.35 {
      - define item 'i@wood_sword[display_name=&ssbEarth Shatterer &ss7(&ss6****&ss7*);lore=&ss7This isn&sqt anything special&dot|&ss7Just has a
        cool name&dot]'
    # 20% chance
    else if <def[rng]> < 0.55 {
      - define item 'i@diamond_chestplate[display_name=&ssaToy Chestplate;lore=&ss7It&sqs not fighting material&dot;nbt_attributes=generic.armor/chest/0/1]'
    # 15% chance
    else if <def[rng]> < 0.7 {
      - define item 'i@dirt[display_name=&ssfsuspic&sqs scripting skills;lore=&ssaIt&sqs so bad it doesn&sqt deserve to be capitalized&dot]'
    # 10% chance
    else if <def[rng]> < 0.8 {
      - define item 'i@beacon[display_name=&sscShiny Thing;lore=&ssfIt&sqs pretty &coo]'
    # 5% chance
    else if <def[rng]> < 0.85 {
      - define item 'i@human_skull[skull_skin=f7069c8a-9283-4da8-aae2-fcdde5fd3d17;display_name=&ssfsuspic&sqs head;lore=&ss7Yes, this is my Minecraft
        account&sqs actual head skin&dot]'
    # 15% chance
    else {
      - define item 'i@totem[display_name=&ssfCool Shiny Thing;lore=&ss7It&sqs not actually shiny&dot||&ssc&sslPRANKED]'
    # Don't reopen the inventory if we don't have to
    - if <def[item]> != <def[prev_item]||i@air> {
      - inventory open
        'd:in@generic[title=<script.yaml_key[prefix].unescaped><&6><&l>Lottery GUI;size=27;contents=li@i@air|i@air|i@air|i@air|i@air|i@air|i@air|i@air|i@air|i@air|i@air|i@air|i@air|<def[item]>]'
    # To use for the if statement above
    - define prev_item '<def[item]>'
    # Because exponential waiting times are fun
    - wait <el@2.71828182846.power[<def[value].mul[0.125].sub[3]>].round_up>t
  - wait 1s
  - narrate '<&a>CONGRATULATIONS! You got a <&f><def[item].display||<def[item].formatted.to_titlecase>><&a>! Now go have fun and do something creative.'
  - give <def[item]>
  - flag player can_close_inv
  - inventory close

# Stops the player from prematurely closing the inventory
  type: world
  debug: false
    on player closes inventory:
    - if <context.inventory.title.escaped.starts_with[&ss1&ss2&ss1&ss5&ss2&ss0&ss2&ss0&ss0&ss5&ss1&ss8&ss2&ss5&ss0&ss7&ss2&ss1&ss0&ss9&ssr]> {
      - if !<player.has_flag[can_close_inv]> {
        - determine cancelled
      - flag player can_close_inv:!