Paste #48611: bbot

Date: 2018/07/13 16:51:18 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: format
    format: "[<&2><bold>BaileyBot to You] <&9><text>"
    type: world
        on player chats: 
        - if <player.has_flag[BBot_Cooldown]> {
            - queue clear
        - if <context.message> == "yay" {
            - wait 1t
            - narrate format:BBC "YAY!!!   :D"
            - flag player BBot_Cooldown duration:1s
        - if <context.message> == "OOF" {
            - wait 1t
            - narrate format:BBC "OOOOOOOOFFF!!!   :O"
            - flag player BBot_Cooldown duration:1s
        - if <context.message> == "woosh" {
            - wait 1t
            - narrate format:BBC "WWWOOOOOOSSHHH!!!   :D"
            - flag player BBot_Cooldown duration:1s
        - if <context.message> == "BaileyBot"  {
            - wait 1t
            - narrate format:BBC "I have the following trigger words:"
            - narrate "<&5>yay"
            - narrate "<&5>oof"
            - narrate "<&5>woosh"
            - flag player BBot_Cooldown duration:1s
        - if <server.has_flag[websitelink]> {
            - queue clear
        - if <context.message> == "#Website"  {
            - wait 1t
            - flag server websitelink duration:3m
            - execute as_op "broadcast Here is the website's character app form:"
        - if <context.message> == "wreload" {
            - flag server websitelink:!