questlogworld: type: world events: on player right clicks queststatsi in inventory: - inventory close - narrate "Completed Quests: ].round>" - wait 3 - queue clear on player right clicks completedquestsi in inventory: - inventory close - inventory open d:in@completedquests on player right clicks activequestsi in inventory: - inventory close - inventory open d:in@questjournal on player logs in: - if { - note in@QuestJournalMenu as:questjournal - note in@questcompletemenu as:completedquests - flag player questjournal } questlog: type: command name: questlog usage: /questlog script: - if { - note in@QuestJournalMenu as:questjournal - note in@questcompletemenu as:completedquests - flag player questjournal } - inventory open d:in@questjournal questcompletemenu: type: inventory inventory: chest title: Completed Quests size: 45 slots: - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []" - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []" - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []" - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []" - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [i@queststatsi] [i@activequestsi]" QuestJournalMenu: type: inventory title: Quest Journal size: 45 slots: - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []" - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []" - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []" - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []" - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [i@completedquestsi]" completedquestsi: type: item material: book display name: Quest Stats lore: - "Click here to view your completed quests." queststatsi: type: item material: book display name: Quest Stats lore: - "Click here to view your quest stats." activequestsi: type: item material: book display name: Active Quests. lore: - "Click here to access information." - "about your active quests."