Paste #49188: Untitled Paste

Date: 2018/08/18 18:02:54 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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###NPC Assignment###

  type: assignment
    on assignment:
      - trigger name:click state:true
      - trigger name:chat state:true radius:5
    on chat:
      - if <context.message> == !Armor {
        - narrate "Take a look at my wears. Various armorment to keep you safe!"
        - wait 1
        - inventory open d:in@BlackSmithArmorInv
      - if <context.message> == !Arms {
        - narrate "Gonna end up in a scrape or two? Check out our selection of weapons!"
        - wait 1
        - inventory open d:in@BlacksmithWeaponsInv
      - if <context.message> == !Tools {
        - narrate "Have a project that needs doin'? We have everything you need!"
        - wait 1
        - inventory open d:in@BlacksmithToolsInv
    on click:
      - narrate "Take a look at my wears. Various armorment to keep you safe!"
      - wait 1
      - inventory open d:in@BlacksmithArmorInv

###Shop Inventories and Items###

  type: inventory
  title: Arms For Sale
  size: 27
  - "[i@ISword] [i@GSword] [i@DSword] [] [] [] [] [] []"
  - "[i@BowShop] [i@ArrowShop] [] [] [] [] [] [] []"
  - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [i@BlacksmithToolsIt] [i@BlacksmithArmorIt] [i@RepairIt]"

  type: inventory
  title: Armor For Sale
  size: 27
  - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []"
  - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []"
  - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [i@BlacksmithToolsIt] [i@BlacksmithWeaponsIt] [i@RepairIt]"

  type: inventory
  title: Tools For Sale
  size: 27
  - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []"
  - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []"
  - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [i@BlacksmithArmorIt] [i@BlacksmithWeaponsIt] [i@RepairIt]"

###Menu Items###

  type: item
  material: diamond_sword
  display name: Weapons
  - "Click here to browse"
  - "our selection of arms."

  type: item
  material: diamond_chestplate
  display name: Armor
  - "Click here to browse"
  - "our selection of armor."

  type: item
  material: crafting_table
  display name: Tools
  - "Click here to browse"
  - "our selection of tools"

  type: item
  material: anvil
  display name: Repair Item
  - "Click here to repair"
  - "the item currently in"
  - "your hand."


  type: item
  material: iron_sword
  display name: Iron Sword
  - "Click here to purchase"
  - "a Iron Sword."
  - "Cost: 100"
  type: item
  material: golden_sword
  display name: Gold Sword
  - "Click here to purchase"
  - "a Gold Sword."
  - "Cost: 1000"
  type: item
  material: diamond_sword
  display name: Diamond Sword
  - "Click here to purchase"
  - "a Diamond Sword."
  - "Cost: 2500"

  type: item
  material: bow
  display name: Bow
  - "Click here to purchase"
  - "a bow."
  - "Cost: 100"

  type: item
  material: arrow
  display name: Arrows
  - "Click here to purchase"
  - "a bundle of 32 arrows."
  - "Cost: 50"


  type: item
  material: iron_chestplate
  display name: Iron Chestplate
  - "Click here to purchase"
  - "an Iron Chest Plate."
  - "Cost: "
###Shop Inventory Handler:###

  type: world
    on player clicks in BlackSmithArmorInv:
    - determine cancelled
    on player drags in BlackSmithArmorInv:
    - determine cancelled
    on player clicks in BlacksmithWeaponsInv:
    - determine cancelled
    on player drags in BlacksmithWeaponsInv:
    - determine cancelled
    on player clicks in BlacksmithToolsInv:
    - determine cancelled
    on player drags in BlacksmithToolsInv:
    - determine cancelled
    on player clicks BlacksmithWeaponsIt in BlacksmithArmorInv ignorecancelled:true:
    - inventory close
    - inventory open d:in@BlacksmithWeaponsInv
    on player clicks BlacksmithArmorIt in BlacksmithWeaponsInv ignorecancelled:true:
    - inventory close
    - inventory open d:in@BlacksmithArmorInv
    on player clicks BlacksmithArmorIt in BlacksmithToolsInv ignorecancelled:true:
    - inventory close
    - inventory open d:in@BlacksmithArmorInv
    on player clicks BlacksmithWeaponsIt in BlacksmithToolsInv ignorecancelled:true:
    - inventory close
    - inventory open d:in@BlacksmithWeaponsInv
    on player clicks BlacksmithToolsIt in BlacksmithArmorInv ignorecancelled:true:
    - inventory close
    - inventory open d:in@BlacksmithToolsInv
    on player clicks BlacksmithToolsIt in BlacksmithWeaponsInv ignorecancelled:true:
    - inventory close
    - inventory open d:in@BlacksmithToolsInv

###Repair Handler###

    on player clicks RepairIt in BlacksmithArmorInv:
    - if <> >= "100" && <player.item_in_hand.durability> != null {
      - money take quantity:100
      - adjust <player.item_in_hand> durability:0 save:newitem
      - take iteminhand
      - give <entry[newitem].result>
      - narrate "<&o>$100 has been deducted from your balance."
      } else {
      - inventory close
      - narrate "You need to fix your wallet before I can fix your items."
    on player clicks RepairIt in BlacksmithWeaponsInv:
    - if <> >= "100" && <player.item_in_hand.durability> != null {
      - money take quantity:100
      - adjust <player.item_in_hand> durability:0 save:newitem
      - take iteminhand
      - give <entry[newitem].result>
      - narrate "<&o>$100 has been deducted from your balance."
      } else {
      - inventory close
      - narrate "You need to fix your wallet before I can fix your items."
    on player clicks RepairIt in BlacksmithToolsInv:
    - if <> >= "100" && <player.item_in_hand.durability> != null {
      - money take quantity:100
      - adjust <player.item_in_hand> durability:0 save:newitem
      - take iteminhand
      - give <entry[newitem].result>
      - narrate "<&o>$100 has been deducted from your balance."
      } else {
      - inventory close
      - narrate "You need to fix your wallet before I can fix your items."

###Weapons Handler###

    on player clicks ISword in BlacksmithWeaponsInv:
    - if <> >= "100" {
      - money take quantity:100
      - narrate "A quality and reliable blade!"
      - narrate "<&o>$100 has been deducted from your balance."
      } else {
      - inventory close
      - narrate "No coin, no sword."
    on player clicks GSword in BlacksmithWeaponsInv:
    - if <> >= "1000" {
      - money take quantity:1000
      - narrate "A bit brittle, but the sharpest you'll find!"
      - narrate "<&o>$1000 has been deducted from your balance."
      } else {
      - inventory close
      - narrate "No coin, no sword."
    on player clicks DSword in BlacksmithWeaponsInv:
    - if <> >= "2500" {
      - money take quantity:2500
      - narrate "Insanely durable and a bit heavy. This won't fail you!"
      - narrate "<&o>$2500 has been deducted from your balance."
      } else {
      - inventory close
      - narrate "No coin, no sword."
    on player clicks BowShop in BlacksmithWeaponsInv:
    - if <> >= "100" {
      - money take quantity:100
      - narrate "Looking to keep your distance or do a little hunting?"
      - narrate "<&o>$100 has been deducted from your balance."
      } else {
      - inventory close
      - narrate "No coin, no pew."
    on player clicks ArrowShop in BlacksmithWeaponsInv:
    - if <> >= "50" {
      - money take quantity:50
      - narrate "Guaranteed to stick anything you have the skill to hit."
      - narrate "<&o>$50 has been deducted from your balance."
      } else {
      - inventory close
      - narrate "No coin, no pew."

###Armor Handler###