Sticker: type: item debug: false material: paper display name: Sticker lore: - <&f>Right click <&6><&l><>><&r><&f> to reveal the sticker Sticker_world: type: world debug: true #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # # # CONFIG # # # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# config: colors: # f = white; b = aqua; d = light purple # - "<&f>" - "<&b>" # - "<&d>" lore: - " thinks this is a game" #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # # # SCRIPT # # # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# events: on player right clicks with Sticker: #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # CLICK WITH EMPTY CARD # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# - wait 1t # if you have a stack of stickers and a full inventory, it will prevent from running - if ">]>" { - ^if == 0 { - narrate "<&c>Not enough invemtory space" - queue clear } - ^define slot - wait 1t - ^define Sticker - ^define Player - ^define color > - ^define lore > - ^adjust "lore:<&sp>|%color%%lore%|------------------------------|1. <&lb>Right click<&rb> with sticker in hand|2. <&lb>Right click<&rb> with desired item in hand|3. Enjoy your personalised item!|------------------------------|<&4>Warning! If the chosen item already|has lore on it, the old lore WILL be|overwritten by lore from the card!|Don<&sq>t use on quest items, etc.|------------------------------|" save:FullSticker - ^take qty:1 - ^if != i@air { - ^define slot } - ^give to: slot: qty:1 } else { #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # CLICK WITH FULL CARD # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# - flag player StickerTimer: duration:5s - title "subtitle:Ready to imbue <&r> to an item" } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# # CLICK WITH ITEM # #----------------------------------------------------------------------------# on player right clicks with item: - ^if ! { - queue clear } - ^if { - queue clear } - ^if { - title "subtitle:<&c>You cannot put stickers on unique items" - queue clear } - determine cancelled passively - take iteminhand qty:1 - wait 1t - ^define slot - ^define item - ^define Lore - ^if { - define Name } else { - define Name } - title title:Congratulations! "subtitle:%lore% <&f>applied to %Name%" ### OHRANITEV MOREBITNEGA PREJSNJEGA VECVRSTICNEGA LORA, ZAMENJA SAMO 1 VRSTICO ### - if { # TOLE JE KODA, KI DODAJA NEOMEJENO STICKERJEV!!!! - ^adjust lore:].at[1]> save:LoreItem # TOLE JE KODA, KI ZAMENJA 1. VRSTICO LORA!!!! # - ^adjust lore:].with[]> save:LoreItem } else { - ^adjust lore:%lore% save:LoreItem } - ^if != i@air { - ^define slot } - ^give qty:1 slot: - ^take qty:1 - wait 1t - flag player StickerTimer:!