Paste #50810: Script1

Date: 2018/11/25 08:45:53 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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# For usage by Naruto
# Created by g221
# World Guard Region to Cuboid from GrandPartyMask and Modified for simple usage
# The script will automatically look for new and removed regions whenever you use the WorldGuard "/region" command.
# All locations created by this script will have names like this: wgregion_W_<world name>_R_<region name> 
# To simply change the spawn location just follow the template above.
# The global npc spawn script spawns npcs in random areas across the map.
# If you need to customize your npc. Modify the command listed after "execute as_server"

    type: world
        on system time minutely:
            - execute as_server "/npc wgregion_W_<world name>_R_<region name>" 

    type: task 
    debug: false 
    speed: 0 
    - flag server worldguard_to_notable_cuboids:! 
    - foreach <server.list_worlds> { 
        - define w <def[value]> 
        - foreach <def[w].list_regions> { 
            - note <def[value].cuboid> as:wgregion_W_<def[w].name>_R_<def[value].id> 
            - flag server worldguard_to_notable_cuboids:->:<def[value]> 

    - foreach <server.list_notables[cuboids].filter[starts_with[cu@wgregion_]].exclude[<server.flag[worldguard_to_notable_cuboids].as_list>]> { 
        - note remove as:<def[value]> 

    type: world 
    debug: false 
        on rg|region command: 
        - wait 1t 
        - if '<li@define|create|d|remove|rem|delete|del|redefine|update|move|load|reload.contains[<context.raw_args.trim.before[ ]>]>' { 
            - define rg_list li@ 
            - foreach <server.list_worlds> { 
                - define rg_list <def[rg_list].include[<def[value].list_regions>]> 
            - define add li@ 
            - foreach <def[rg_list].exclude[<server.flag[worldguard_to_notable_cuboids].as_list||li@>]> { 
                - note <def[value].cuboid> as:wgregion_W_<def[value]>_R_<def[value].id> 
                - define add <def[add].include[<def[value]>]> 
            - define sub li@ 
            - foreach <server.flag[worldguard_to_notable_cuboids].as_list.exclude[<def[rg_list]>]||li@> { 
                - note remove as:wgregion_W_<def[value]>_R_<def[value].id> 
                - define sub <def[sub].include[<def[value]>]> 
            - define new_list <server.flag[worldguard_to_notable_cuboids].as_list.exclude[<def[sub]>].include[<def[add]>]||<def[add]>> 
            - flag server worldguard_to_notable_cuboids:! 
            - flag server worldguard_to_notable_cuboids:|:<def[new_list]> 