Paste #5134: Untitled Paste

Date: 2014/06/06 21:21:01 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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#                                                                              #
#                  M o b S p a w n   L i m i t   M a n a g e r                 #
#                                                                              #
#                                                                              #
# A system for setting how many mobs are able to spawn per chunk in each world #
# Will autogenerate the default config file on first run. Read the help file   #
# in game with /mslimit                                                        #
#                                                                              #
# Features a dynamic command handler. Command arguments can be supplied in any #
# order. Syntax checking and error handeling included.                         #
#                                                                              #

  type: task
  debug: false

  # Where you save this script file. Set it to suit your needs.
  scriptPath: 'scripts/MobSpawnManagement.yml'

  # These are the default values. You can edit them... but it's all
  # configurable from in game so why bother.
  ambient: 5
  animal: 15
  monster: 30
  water_animal: 2

# This is the meat and potatos of this script. You really shouldn't touch 
# ANYTHING beyond this point unless you really know wtf you're doing!

  type: task
  debug: false

    - narrate ""

    - define readID 'MobSpawnManager'
    - define basePath '<def[readID]>_Configurations'
    - define scriptPath '<s@<def[basePath]>.constant[scriptPath] || null>'
    - yaml 'load:<def[scriptPath]>' 'id:<def[basePath]>'
    - define keylist '<yaml[<def[basePath]>].list_keys[<def[basePath]>].exclude[type|debug|scriptPath]>'
    - announce to_console "MobSpawnManager<&co> Generating default config file..."
    - yaml create 'id:%readID%'
    - foreach <server.list_worlds> {
      - define world <def[value]>
      - announce to_console "MobSpawnManager<&co> Found world <def[world].name>"
      - foreach %keylist% {
        - define key %value%
        - define entry '<yaml[%basePath%].read[%basePath%.%key%]>'
        - yaml 'write:%readID%.<def[world].name>.%key%' 'value:%entry%' 'id:%readID%'
        - adjust <def[world].as_world> %key%_spawn_limit:%entry%
    - yaml 'savefile:%readID%/config.yml' 'id:%readID%'
    - yaml unload 'id:%readID%'
    - announce to_console "MobSpawnManager<&co> Done!"
    - yaml unload 'id:%basePath%'

    - define readID 'MobSpawnManager'
    - yaml 'load:%readID%/config.yml' 'id:%readID%'
    - define worlds '<yaml[%readID%].list_keys[%readID%]>'
    - foreach %worlds% {
      - define world %value%
      - define types '<yaml[%readID%].list_keys[%readID%.%world%]>'
      - foreach %types% {
        - define type %value%
        - define limit '<yaml[%readID%].read[%readID%.%world%.%type%]>'
        - adjust <def[world].as_world> %type%_spawn_limit:<def[limit]>

    - define worlds <server.list_worlds>
    - if %world% != null {
      - if !<def[worlds].contains[<def[world].as_world>]> {
        - narrate "<&4><&l>ERROR<&co><&r> <&a><def[world]> <&b>does not exist"
        - queue stop
      else {
      - narrate "<&4><&l>ERROR<&co><&r> <&b>Must specify a world"
      - narrate format:CmdSynFormat "/mslimit -w \<&lt\>world\<&gt\>"
      - queue stop

    - define types 'ambient|animal|monster|water_animal'
    - if %type% != null {
      - if !<def[types].as_list.contains[<def[type]>]> {
        - narrate "<&4><&l>ERROR<&co><&r> <&a><def[type]> <&b>is not a valid type"
        - queue stop
      else {
      - narrate "<&4><&l>ERROR<&co><&r> <&b>Must specify a type"
      - narrate format:CmdSynFormat "/mslimit -t \<&lt\>type\<&gt\>"
      - queue stop

    - if %limit% != null {
      - if !<def[limit].is[matches].to[integer]> {
        - narrate "<&4><&l>ERROR<&co><&r> <&a><def[limit]> <&b>is not a valid number"
        - queue stop
      - define limit <def[limit].abs.as_int>
      else {
      - narrate "<&4><&l>ERROR<&co><&r> <&b>Must specify a limit"
      - narrate format:CmdSynFormat "/mslimit -l \<&lt\>limit\<&gt\>"
      - queue stop

    - define readID 'MobSpawnManager'
    - yaml 'load:%readID%/config.yml' 'id:%readID%'
    - yaml 'write:<def[world].name>.%type%' 'value:%limit%' 'id:%readID%'
    - adjust <def[world].as_world> %type%_spawn_limit:<def[limit]>
    - yaml 'savefile:%readID%/config.yml' 'id:%readID%'
    - yaml unload 'id:%readID%'
    - narrate "<&b><def[type].to_titlecase> <&a>Spawn Limit set to <&b>%limit%<&a> for <&a>%world%<&b>."

    - define worlds <server.list_worlds>
    - if %world% != null {
      - if !<def[worlds].contains[<def[world].as_world>]> {
        - narrate "<&4><&l>ERROR<&co><&r> <&a><def[world]> <&b>does not exist"
        - queue stop
      - define worlds <def[world].as_world>
    - define types 'ambient|animal|monster|water_animal'
    - if %type% != null {
      - if !<def[types].as_list.contains[<def[type]>]> {
        - narrate "<&4><&l>ERROR<&co><&r> <&a><def[type]> <&b>is not a valid type"
        - queue stop
      - define types <def[type]>
    - foreach <def[worlds].as_list> {
      - define world %value%
      - narrate "<&e><&l><def[world].name><&r><&6> Spawn Limits"
      - foreach <def[types].as_list> {
        - narrate "<&sp><&sp><&sp><&b><def[value].to_titlecase><&co> <&a><def[world].<def[value]>_spawn_limit>"
      - narrate ""

    - narrate ""
    - narrate "<&b>========== <&a>MobSpawnLimit Help <&b>=========="
    - narrate ""
    - narrate "A system for controlling how many mobs are able to spawn per chunk in each world."
    - narrate ""
    - narrate ""
    - narrate "<&b>Setting Limits"
    - narrate "<&sp>Sets the mobspawn limit. Must specify a valid world, type, and number"
    - narrate "<&sp><&sp><&sp><&e>/mslimit -s"
    - narrate "<&sp><&sp><&sp><&e>/mslimit --set"
    - narrate ""
    - narrate "<&b>Listing Limits"
    - narrate "<&sp>Shows a list of current limits. Can be filtered by world and/or type"
    - narrate "<&sp><&sp><&sp><&e>/mslimit -ls"
    - narrate "<&sp><&sp><&sp><&e>/mslimit --list"
    - narrate ""
    - narrate "<&b>Options"
    - narrate "<&sp><&a>World"
    - narrate "<&sp><&sp><&sp><&e>-w \<worldname\>"
    - narrate "<&sp><&a>Type"
    - narrate "<&sp><&sp><&sp><&e>-t \<type\>"
    - narrate "<&sp><&sp><&sp>Valid types<&co> <&a>ambient animal monster water_animal"
    - narrate "<&sp><&a>Limit"
    - narrate "<&sp><&sp><&sp><&e>-l \<limit\>"
    - narrate "<&sp><&a>Reset<&f> - Reset all worlds to default limits"
    - narrate "<&sp><&sp><&sp><&e>--reset"
    - narrate "<&sp><&a>Reload<&f> - Reloads the config file"
    - narrate "<&sp><&sp><&sp><&e>--reload"
    - narrate ""
    - narrate format:CmdSynFormat "/mslimit <&6>\<&lt\><&e>--set / -s<&6>\<&gt\> \<&lb\><&e>-w worldname -t type -l limit<&6>\<&rb\>"
    - narrate format:CmdSynFormat "/mslimit <&6>\<&lt\><&e>--list / -ls<&6>\<&gt\> \<&lt\><&e>-w worldname -t type -l limit<&6>\<&gt\>"
    - narrate ""

# Handles the commands and server start

  type: world
  debug: true

    on mslimit command:
# The command handler. Accepts the command and passes the info to the task scripts
    - if !<player.has_permission[denizen.cmdtest]> queue stop
    - determine passively fulfilled
    - define reset '<c.args.contains[--reset] || false>'
    - define reload '<c.args.contains[--reload] || false>'
    - define list '<tern[<context.args.contains[-ls]>]:true||<tern[<context.args.contains[--list]>]:true||false>>'
    - define set '<tern[<context.args.contains[-s]>]:true||<tern[<context.args.contains[--set]>]:true||false>>'
    - define world '<tern[<c.args.find[-w].is[MORE].than[0]>]:<c.args.get[<c.args.find[-w].add[1].as_int>]> || null>'
    - define type '<tern[<c.args.find[-t].is[MORE].than[0]>]:<c.args.get[<c.args.find[-t].add[1].as_int>]> || null>'
    - define limit '<tern[<c.args.find[-l].is[MORE].than[0]>]:<c.args.get[<c.args.find[-l].add[1].as_int>]> || null>'

    - if %list% == true {
      - inject s@MobSpawnManagerTasks p:list
      - queue stop

    - if %set% == true {
      - inject s@MobSpawnManagerTasks p:set
      - queue stop

    - if %reset% == true {
      - inject s@MobSpawnManagerTasks p:config
      - queue stop

    - if %reload% == true {
      - inject s@MobSpawnManagerTasks p:load
      - queue stop

    - if <context.args.is_empty> {
      - inject s@MobSpawnManagerTasks p:help
      - queue stop

    - inject s@MobSpawnManagerTasks p:help

    on server start:
# Checks if the config file exists on server start and reads or generates it.
    - define readID 'MobSpawnManager'
    - if !<server.has_file[%readID%/config.yml]> {
      - inject s@MobSpawnManagerTasks p:load
      else {
      - inject s@MobSpawnManagerTasks p:config