Paste #5139: Edit of P#5138 - Untitled Paste

Date: 2014/06/07 07:19:17 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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on dbkick command:
        - if <player.is_op> {
          - if <server.list_online_players> contains <p@context.args.get[1]>
            - announce "<yellow>Goku joined the game."
            - wait 5s
            - announce "<light_purple>Goku inizia a assimilare tutta l'energia del mondo"
            - wait 5s
            - announce "<light_purple>Goku fissa %target% urlando <bold>TE NE PENTIRAI PER TUTTO IL MALE CHE HAI FATTO!"
            - wait 5s
            - announce "<light_purple>Goku inizia a caricare il kamekameah!"
            - wait 3s
            - announce "<aqua>Ondaaaaaa........"
            - wait 3s
            - announce "<aqua>...Energeti.."
            - wait 3s
            - announce "<aqua><bold>CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!"
            - announce "<aqua><bold>C===================================="
            - wait 3s
            - announce "<red>La potente sfera colpisce %target% in pieno polverizandolo"
            - execute as_server "kick %target% Goku ti ha sconfitto"
            - announce "<light_purple>E cosi trollandia fu di nuovo salva per l'enesima volta! Grazie Goku!"
            - wait 3s
            - announce "<red>Goku<&co><white> Alla prossima amici!"
            - announce "<yellow>Goku left the game."
            - determine fulfilled
            } else {
            - narrate "sorry, but %target% isn't online."
            - determine fulfilled