Paste #51713: Untitled Paste

Date: 2019/01/23 13:57:20 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: command
  name: openbookcmd
  description: my book thingy
  usage: just use it
  #- run testopenbook player:%player_name%
  #- run testopenbook player:<>
  - run testopenbook

  type: task
  debug: true
  - narrate "Hello World!"
  #- fakeitem "i@written_book[book=AUTHOR|Klawdek|TITLE|TestBook]" slot:<player.item_in_hand.slot>
  #- fakeitem "i@written_book[book=AUTHOR|Klawdek|TITLE|myBook|pages|TEESTING TESTING 123]" slot:<player.item_in_hand.slot> duration:1
  #- adjust book:open_book

  #- fakeitem "i@written_book[book=AUTHOR|Klawdek|TITLE|myBook|pages|TEESTING TESTING 123]" slot:<player.item_in_hand.slot> duration:5t
  - fakeitem i@TestBook slot:<player.item_in_hand.slot> duration:5t
  - adjust <player> open_book
  - inventory update

  type: book 

  # The 'custom name' can be anything you wish. 
  title: test 

  # The 'custom name' can be anything you wish. 
  author: Klawdek 

  # Defaults to true. Set to false to spawn a 'book and quill' instead of a 'written book'. 
  signed: true

  # Each -line in the text section represents an entire page. 
  # To create a newline, use the tag <n>. To create a paragraph, use <p>. 
  - Stuff stuff and more stuff.