Paste #51999: Untitled Paste

Date: 2019/01/31 09:02:25 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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Skills Check:
  type: command
  debug: false
  name: skills
  usage: /skills
  description: Gain access to your skills through this chat-menu.
  - skill
  - sk
    - if <player.has_flag[human]> && <player.flag[level]> < 3:
      - narrate "<&6><&l>[<&e>TDPO Levels<&6><&l>] <&7>You currently have <&c>no skills<&7> unlocked! You must reach level 3 to unlock your first skill."
    - if <player.has_flag[human]> && <player.flag[level]> >= 3:
      - narrate "<&7><&m>-----------------------------------------------"
      - narrate "<&7> Hover over the skill name to read more about it!"
      - narrate "<&7><&gt> <&b>Level 3 Skill: <proc[msgHover].context[<&3>Mana Blast!|<&3>Mana Blast: <&f>Send a bolt of mana outwards at your enemies, dealing damage and slowing them for a few moments!]> <&7><&lt>"
    - if <player.has_flag[human]> && <player.flag[level]> >= 12:
      - narrate "<&7><&gt> <&b>Level 12 Skill: <proc[msgHover].context[<&4>N/A|<&c>This ability is unavailable.]> <&7><&lt>"
    - if <player.has_flag[human]> && <player.flag[level]> >= 25:
      - narrate "<&7><&gt> <&b>Level 25 Skill: <proc[msgHover].context[<&4>N/A|<&c>This ability is unavailable.]> <&7><&lt>"
    - if <player.has_flag[human]> && <player.flag[level]> >= 40:
      - narrate "<&7><&gt> <&b>Level 40 Skill: <proc[msgHover].context[<&4>N/A|<&c>This ability is unavailable.]> <&7><&lt>"
    - if <player.has_flag[human]> && <player.flag[level]> >= 65:
      - narrate "<&7><&gt> <&b>Level 65 Skill: <proc[msgHover].context[<&4>N/A|<&c>This ability is unavailable.]> <&7><&lt>"
    - if <player.has_flag[human]> && <player.flag[level]> >= 90:
      - narrate "<&7><&gt> <&b>Level 90 Skill: <proc[msgHover].context[<&4>N/A|<&c>This ability is unavailable.]> <&7><&lt>"
      - narrate "<&7><&m>-----------------------------------------------"