03.02 03:26:46 [Server] INFO [03:26:46 ERROR]: net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.EntityPlayer.a(EntityPlayer.java:824) 03.02 03:26:30 [Server] INFO [03:26:30 ERROR]: net.minecraft.server.v1_13_R2.IBlockData.isAir(IBlockData.java:87) 03.02 03:26:30 [Server] INFO [03:26:30 ERROR]: Stack: 03.02 03:26:30 [Server] INFO [03:26:30 ERROR]: PID: 33 | Suspended: false | Native: false | State: RUNNABLE 03.02 03:26:30 [Server] INFO [03:26:30 ERROR]: Current Thread: Server thread 03.02 03:26:30 [Server] INFO [03:26:30 ERROR]: ------------------------------ 03.02 03:26:20 [Server] INFO [03:26:20 ERROR]: Server thread dump (Look for plugins here before reporting to Paper!): 03.02 03:26:20 [Server] INFO [03:26:20 ERROR]: ------------------------------ 03.02 03:26:20 [Server] INFO [03:26:20 ERROR]: The server has not responded for 12 seconds! Creating thread dump 03.02 03:26:20 [Server] INFO [03:26:20 ERROR]: --- DO NOT REPORT THIS TO PAPER - THIS IS NOT A BUG OR A CRASH - git-Paper-513 (MC: 1.13.2) ---