Paste #52453: Denizen Debug Logs From 7Welcome to fEbs9o1t5edr7ifa7 - 7oA World of Adventure Awaits!!

Date: 2019/02/16 16:46:29 UTC-08:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 1.8.0_192
Up-time: 1h 4m
CraftBukkit Version: git-Paper-521 (MC: 1.13.2)
Denizen Version: Core: 1.30 (Build 203), CraftBukkit: 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT (build 623-DEV)
Active Plugins (31): dynmap: 3.0-beta-2-138, WorldBorder: 1.9.0, Votifier: 2.5.0, ProtocolLib: 4.4.0, 
Multiverse-Core: 2.7.0-SNAPSHOT-b747, LibsDisguises: 9.7.1, MythicDrops: 4.3.4-a8b9390, 
FastAsyncWorldEdit: 1.0, PermissionsEx: 1.23.4, EffectLib: 6.2-SNAPSHOT, Vault: 1.7.1-b91, 
Essentials:, BKCommonLib: 1.13.2-v2, LightCleaner: 1.13.1-v1, HolographicDisplays: 2.3.2, 
Holograms: 2.6, Citizens: 2.0.24-SNAPSHOT (build 1617), EssentialsProtect:, 
EssentialsChat:, EssentialsGeoIP:, EssentialsAntiBuild:, 
EssentialsSpawn:, EnjinMinecraftPlugin: 3.5.4, Denizen: 1.0.3-SNAPSHOT (build 623-DEV), 
WorldEdit: unspecified, FastAsyncVoxelSniper: 1.13.132, WorldGuard: 7.0.0-SNAPSHOT;0dc5781, 
WorldEditCUI: 1.3, Depenizen: 1.0.0 (build 434), Heroes: 1.9.1-SNAPSHOT-565633b, 
MythicMobs: 4.6.0-SNAPSHOT-2649
Loaded Worlds (7): map, map_nether, map_the_end, Temp, map_rainbow, map_dungeons, map_spawn
Online Players (2): [Deity] ~Jimmy(JimyTheLightfoot), [Stranger] ~Zeuk(ZeukOfGearworks),
Offline Players: 15
Mode: online

19:46:27 [INFO]  Starting InstantQueue 'EXCOMMAND_CarbEpCent'... 
19:46:27 [INFO]  Queue 'EXCOMMAND_CarbEpCent' Executing: YAML "load:/ServerData/PathsInventory.yml" "id:PathsInventory" 
19:46:27 [INFO] +- Executing dCommand: YAML/p@JimyTheLightfoot ---------+ 
19:46:27 [INFO] +> Executing 'YAML': id='PathsInventory'  action='LOAD'  filename='/ServerData/PathsInventory.yml'  value=''  
19:46:27 [INFO]  Completing queue 'EXCOMMAND_CarbEpCent' in 0ms.