Paste #52594: Diff note for paste #52593

Date: 2019/02/20 02:21:37 UTC-08:00
Type: Diff Report

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-CraftBukkit Version: git-Bukkit-1.7.2-R0.1-b2969jnks (MC: 1.7.2)
-Active Plugins: 2GroupManager: 2.0 (Pre2.12.1.6) (Phoenix), 2WorldEdit: 5.5.9-SNAPSHOT:2935-b3f2c10,master, 
-2Buycraft: 6.4, 2BOSEconomy:, 2mcore: 7.0.0, 2Vault: 1.2.27-b349, 2TerrainControl: 2.5.1-SNAPSHOT, 
+искал информацию в сети, пока  не нашел  этот сайт <a href=>ремонт промышленной электроники</a> 
+Для моих знакомых эта информация оказалась очень полезной. 
+Всем удачи
-2LogBlock: 1.80, 2WorldGuard: 5.8.1-SNAPSHOT:1263-96a69aa,master with custom flags plugin., 
-2BloodMoon: 0.24-SNAPSHOT, 2WGRegionEvents: 1.2, 2DarkHorse: 1.2, 2CoreProtect: 2.0.8, 
-2VoidGenerator: 1.0, 2ChestShop: 3.7.2, 2Legacy: 1.3.1, 2ProtocolLib: 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT, 
-2Votifier: 1.9, 2WGCustomFlags: 1.6, 2ButtonWarp: 2.2.2, 2CreativeFly: 1.1, 2Essentials: Pre2.12.1.6, 
-2Citizens: 2.0.11-SNAPSHOT (build 1029), 2EssentialsProtect: 2.12.1, 2ServerSigns: 2.9.1, 
-2EssentialsSpawn: 2.12.1, 2EssentialsAntiBuild: 2.12.1, 2WGRegionCommands: 0.1, 
-2Denizen: 0.9.3-SNAPSHOT (build 1391), 2CraftBook: 3.8-SNAPSHOT:3388-d59a856,master, 
-2BKCommonLib: 1.57-SNAPSHOT, 2EssentialsChat: 2.12.1, 2My Worlds: 1.67, 2Factions: 2.3.0, 
-2Sentry: 1.8.0
-Loaded Worlds: world, world_nether, world_the_end, Regular2, Survival, Skylands2, Regular, Test2
-Online Players: 4[Leader] 54NLBlackEagle7r7(NLBlackEagle)
-18:04:24 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player.is_online> with 'false'. 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d feComparable 1: fLogic='NEGATIVE', 
-                   Comparable='Boolean(bfalsef)', Operator='EQUALS', 
-                   ComparedTo='Boolean(btruef)' e--> OUTCOME='true' 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: FLAG/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player> with 'p@NLBlackEagle'. 
-18:04:24 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eFLAG8': flag_name='bACTUALTIME8'  
-                   8Action/Value='bSET_VALUEe(0)8'  flag_target='bp@NLBlackEagle8' 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: QUEUE/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:24 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eQUEUE8': 
-                   8Queue='eE090E20D-7509-4B63-BBAD-8D331EC8F3DA8'  
-                   8Action='eCLEAR8' 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d fCompleting queue E090E20D-7509-4B63-BBAD-8D331EC8F3DA... 
-18:04:24 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eEvent8': 8Type='eon player joins8'  
-                   8Container='bWORLDEVENTS1e(WORLD)8'  8Player='eNLBlackEagle8'  
-                   8Context='e{message=eNLBlackEagle joined the game.}8' 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d+- Building event 'ON PLAYER JOINS' for WORLDEVENTS1 
-                   ---------+ 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: RUN/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:24 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eRUN8': 
-                   8script='bPLAYERJOININGARWELCOMEMESSAGEe(TASK)8' 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player.flag[IsNotNewAnymore]> with 'true'. 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d feComparable 1: fComparable='Boolean(btruef)', 
-                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(bfalsef)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='false' 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d fStarting TimedQueue 
-                   '6910CFEA-2331-4756-950C-AEB7AAFA4CB3' 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: RUN/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:24 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eRUN8': 8script='bDRAGONWARNINGSCRIPTe(TASK)8' 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player.flag[actualtime]> with '0'. 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player.flag[50HDragonSpawn]> with 'true'. 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player.flag[actualtime]> with '0'. 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d feComparable 1: fComparable='Integer(b0f)', 
-                   Operator='OR_MORE', ComparedTo='Integer(b15000f)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='false' 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d feComparable 2: fComparable='Boolean(btruef)', 
-                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(bfalsef)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='false' 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d fStarting TimedQueue 
-                   'F28142E0-A419-4C8C-A9EC-0D09B1A0EF9B' 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: RUN/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:24 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eRUN8': 8script='bPLAYERTIMESCRIPTe(TASK)8'  
-                   8delay='e5.0m8' 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d fDelaying TimedQueue 
-                   '16AE75BB-CF5B-4E4A-8954-311783F6593A' for '5.0m'. 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: RUN/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:24 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eRUN8': 8script='bDRAGONSPAWNINGSCRIPTe(TASK)8'  
-                   8delay='e60.0s8' 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d fDelaying TimedQueue 
-                   '5448E403-A835-4D9F-AB33-7E5EA05762E5' for '60.0s'. 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d fFilled tag <> with 'Test2'. 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d fFilled tag <> with 'Test2'. 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d feComparable 1: fComparable='String(bTest2f)', 
-                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='String(bSurvivalf)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='false' 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d feComparable 1: fComparable='String(bTest2f)', 
-                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='String(btest2f)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='true' 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: RUN/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:24 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eRUN8': 8script='bDRAGONSPAWNINGSCRIPT1e(TASK)8' 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player.flag[DragonsMayNotSpawnNow]> with 
-                   'null'. 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player.flag[50HDragonSpawn]> with 'true'. 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player.flag[dragonactualtime]> with 'null'. 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d feComparable 1: fComparable='String(bnullf)', 
-                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='String(bnullf)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='true' 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d feComparable 2: fComparable='Boolean(btruef)', 
-                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(btruef)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='true' 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d feComparable 3: fComparable='String(bnullf)', 
-                   Operator='OR_MORE', ComparedTo='String(b85f)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='true' 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d fStarting TimedQueue 
-                   '2EF73254-5267-46F2-8E4C-943577C0F19C' 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d fCompleting queue E967400A-7EA0-4EDB-86CB-568E1712D950... 
-18:04:24 [INFO] d fStarting InstantQueue 
-                   'E967400A-7EA0-4EDB-86CB-568E1712D950' 
-18:04:25 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:25 [INFO] d fFilled tag <p@NLBlackEagle.is_online> with 'true'. 
-18:04:25 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player.flag[DidWelcomeThePlayer]> with 
-                   'true'. 
-18:04:25 [INFO] d feComparable 1: fComparable='Boolean(btruef)', 
-                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(btruef)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='true' 
-18:04:25 [INFO] d feComparable 2: fComparable='Boolean(btruef)', 
-                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(bfalsef)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='false' 
-18:04:25 [INFO] d fCompleting queue 6910CFEA-2331-4756-950C-AEB7AAFA4CB3... 
-18:04:25 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: RANDOM/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:25 [INFO] d f...random number generator selected '2'. 
-18:04:25 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: SPAWN/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:25 [INFO] d f...remembering this script entry! 
-18:04:25 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player.location.add[100,80,20]> with 
-                   'l@-4009.7043146511323,144.0,-427.1461225110563,3.6000676,-266.7216,Test2'. 
-18:04:25 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eSPAWN8': 8entities='e[e@ENDER_DRAGON]8'  
-                   8location='el@-4009.7043146511323,144.0,-427.1461225110563,3.6000676,-266.7216,Test28' 
-18:04:25 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:25 [INFO] e+> [Comparable] feWARNING! fCannot compare NUMBER(0) with 
-                   '=<'. Outcome for this Comparable will be false. 
-18:04:25 [INFO] d feComparable 1: fComparable='Integer(b0f)', Operator='EQUALS', 
-                   ComparedTo='Integer(b15000f)' e--> OUTCOME='false' 
-18:04:25 [INFO] d fCompleting queue F28142E0-A419-4C8C-A9EC-0D09B1A0EF9B... 
-18:04:25 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: HEALTH/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:25 [INFO] d fFilled tag <entry[sb].spawned_entities> with 
-                   'li@e@162577'. 
-18:04:25 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eHEALTH8': qty='b108'  8target='e[e@162577]8' 
-18:04:25 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: FLAG/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:25 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player> with 'p@NLBlackEagle'. 
-18:04:25 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eFLAG8': flag_name='bDRAGONACTUALTIME8'  
-                   8Action/Value='bSET_VALUEe(null)8'  
-                   flag_target='bp@NLBlackEagle8' 
-18:04:25 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: NARRATE/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:25 [INFO] d fFilled tag <white> with 'f'. 
-18:04:25 [INFO] d fFilled tag <dark_red> with '4'. 
-18:04:25 [INFO] d fFilled tag <white> with 'f'. 
-18:04:25 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eNARRATE8': 8Narrating='efA 4Dragonf has Appeared!8' 
-                    8Targets='e[p@NLBlackEagle]8' 
-18:04:25 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: EXECUTE/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:25 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eEXECUTE8': type='bAS_SERVER8'  
-                   command='bdenizen8' 
-18:04:25 [INFO] d fCompleting queue 2EF73254-5267-46F2-8E4C-943577C0F19C... 
-18:04:27 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:27 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player.is_online> with 'true'. 
-18:04:27 [INFO] d feComparable 1: fLogic='NEGATIVE', 
-                   Comparable='Boolean(btruef)', Operator='EQUALS', 
-                   ComparedTo='Boolean(btruef)' e--> OUTCOME='false' 
-18:04:28 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:28 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player.flag[afk]> with 'null'. 
-18:04:28 [INFO] d feComparable 1: fLogic='NEGATIVE', 
-                   Comparable='String(bnullf)', Operator='EQUALS', 
-                   ComparedTo='Boolean(btruef)' e--> OUTCOME='true' 
-18:04:28 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: FLAG/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:28 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player> with 'p@NLBlackEagle'. 
-18:04:28 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eFLAG8': flag_name='bACTUALTIME8'  
-                   8Action/Value='bINCREASEe(5)8'  flag_target='bp@NLBlackEagle8' 
-18:04:28 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: RUN/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:28 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eRUN8': 8script='bPLAYERTIMESCRIPTe(TASK)8'  
-                   8delay='e5.0m8' 
-18:04:28 [INFO] d fDelaying TimedQueue 
-                   'BBD4747C-6405-49A7-9E6A-4BEC4574392C' for '5.0m'. 
-18:04:28 [INFO] d fCompleting queue 4EFFD8AD-7B78-4F20-BCA0-66883B968073... 
-18:04:29 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:29 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player.flag[Dragon123456]> with 'null'. 
-18:04:29 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player.has_flag[50HDragonSpawn:true]> with 
-                   'false'. 
-18:04:29 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player.is_online> with 'true'. 
-18:04:29 [INFO] d feComparable 1: fComparable='String(bnullf)', 
-                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='String(bnullf)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='true' 
-18:04:29 [INFO] d feComparable 2: fComparable='Boolean(bfalsef)', 
-                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(btruef)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='false' 
-18:04:29 [INFO] d feComparable 3: fComparable='Boolean(btruef)', 
-                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(btruef)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='true' 
-18:04:29 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: FLAG/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:29 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player> with 'p@NLBlackEagle'. 
-18:04:29 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eFLAG8': flag_name='bDRAGONACTUALTIME8'  
-                   8Action/Value='bINCREASEe(1)8'  flag_target='bp@NLBlackEagle8' 
-18:04:29 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: RUN/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:29 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eRUN8': 8script='bDRAGONSPAWNINGSCRIPTe(TASK)8'  
-                   8delay='e60.0s8' 
-18:04:29 [INFO] d fDelaying TimedQueue 
-                   '30B00CD5-3DE5-4D08-AB56-03B924C8798C' for '60.0s'. 
-18:04:29 [INFO] d fCompleting queue 3694810D-8DAD-48C2-9DE6-BE3720001D5C... 
-18:04:30 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:30 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player.flag[Dragon123456]> with 'null'. 
-18:04:30 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player.has_flag[50HDragonSpawn:true]> with 
-                   'false'. 
-18:04:30 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player.is_online> with 'true'. 
-18:04:30 [INFO] d feComparable 1: fComparable='String(bnullf)', 
-                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='String(bnullf)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='true' 
-18:04:30 [INFO] d feComparable 2: fComparable='Boolean(bfalsef)', 
-                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(btruef)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='false' 
-18:04:30 [INFO] d feComparable 3: fComparable='Boolean(btruef)', 
-                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(btruef)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='true' 
-18:04:31 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eEvent8': 8Type='eon ENDER_DRAGON damaged8'  
-                   8Container='bWORLD EVENTSe(WORLD)8'  8Player='eNLBlackEagle8'  
-                   8Context='e{cause=PROJECTILE, damager=p@NLBlackEagle, 
-                   entity=e@162577, damage=4.75, projectile=e@162585}8' 
-18:04:31 [INFO] d+- Building event 'ON ENDER_DRAGON DAMAGED' for WORLD 
-                   EVENTS ---------+ 
-18:04:31 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:31 [INFO] d fFilled tag <context.damager.is_player> with 'true'. 
-18:04:31 [INFO] d feComparable 1: fComparable='Boolean(btruef)', 
-                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(btruef)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='true' 
-18:04:31 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: FLAG/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:31 [INFO] d fFilled tag <context.entity> with 'e@162577'. 
-18:04:31 [INFO] d fFilled tag <context.damager> with 'p@NLBlackEagle'. 
-18:04:31 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eFLAG8': flag_name='bE@162577 LAST ATTACKER8'  
-                   8Action/Value='bSET_VALUEe(p@NLBlackEagle)8'  
-                   flag_target='bserver8' 
-18:04:31 [INFO] d fCompleting queue 5CA832F6-8464-43E9-8E93-6DD46EF5ACF0... 
-18:04:31 [INFO] d fStarting InstantQueue 
-                   '5CA832F6-8464-43E9-8E93-6DD46EF5ACF0' 
-18:04:31 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: FLAG/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:31 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player> with 'p@NLBlackEagle'. 
-18:04:31 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eFLAG8': flag_name='bDRAGONACTUALTIME8'  
-                   8Action/Value='bINCREASEe(1)8'  flag_target='bp@NLBlackEagle8' 
-18:04:31 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: RUN/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:31 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eRUN8': 8script='bDRAGONSPAWNINGSCRIPTe(TASK)8'  
-                   8delay='e60.0s8' 
-18:04:31 [INFO] d fDelaying TimedQueue 
-                   '5A49CC05-F77A-402B-BA6D-2A5C2CE430A0' for '60.0s'. 
-18:04:31 [INFO] d fCompleting queue EF8CE6B9-AADE-4037-8C6A-961F477D5D97... 
-18:04:31 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:31 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player.flag[Dragon123456]> with 'null'. 
-18:04:31 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player.has_flag[50HDragonSpawn:true]> with 
-                   'false'. 
-18:04:31 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player.is_online> with 'true'. 
-18:04:31 [INFO] d feComparable 1: fComparable='String(bnullf)', 
-                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='String(bnullf)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='true' 
-18:04:31 [INFO] d feComparable 2: fComparable='Boolean(bfalsef)', 
-                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(btruef)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='false' 
-18:04:31 [INFO] d feComparable 3: fComparable='Boolean(btruef)', 
-                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(btruef)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='true' 
-18:04:32 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: FLAG/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:32 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player> with 'p@NLBlackEagle'. 
-18:04:32 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eFLAG8': flag_name='bDRAGONACTUALTIME8'  
-                   8Action/Value='bINCREASEe(1)8'  flag_target='bp@NLBlackEagle8' 
-18:04:32 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: RUN/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:32 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eRUN8': 8script='bDRAGONSPAWNINGSCRIPTe(TASK)8'  
-                   8delay='e60.0s8' 
-18:04:32 [INFO] d fDelaying TimedQueue 
-                   'D392905B-FAC5-4914-9564-9A0616CF8D99' for '60.0s'. 
-18:04:32 [INFO] d fCompleting queue 12F108A2-5171-4990-ABD9-F21D2AA27F32... 
-18:04:34 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eEvent8': 8Type='eon ENDER_DRAGON damaged8'  
-                   8Container='bWORLD EVENTSe(WORLD)8'  8Player='eNLBlackEagle8'  
-                   8Context='e{cause=PROJECTILE, damager=p@NLBlackEagle, 
-                   entity=e@162577, damage=18.0, projectile=e@162619}8' 
-18:04:34 [INFO] d+- Building event 'ON ENDER_DRAGON DAMAGED' for WORLD 
-                   EVENTS ---------+ 
-18:04:34 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:34 [INFO] d fFilled tag <context.damager.is_player> with 'true'. 
-18:04:34 [INFO] d feComparable 1: fComparable='Boolean(btruef)', 
-                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(btruef)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='true' 
-18:04:34 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: FLAG/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:34 [INFO] d fFilled tag <context.entity> with 'e@162577'. 
-18:04:34 [INFO] d fFilled tag <context.damager> with 'p@NLBlackEagle'. 
-18:04:34 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eFLAG8': flag_name='bE@162577 LAST ATTACKER8'  
-                   8Action/Value='bSET_VALUEe(p@NLBlackEagle)8'  
-                   flag_target='bserver8' 
-18:04:34 [INFO] d fCompleting queue F6ABC7D5-FB7B-464D-B2CE-5B1ED6547E18... 
-18:04:34 [INFO] d fStarting InstantQueue 
-                   'F6ABC7D5-FB7B-464D-B2CE-5B1ED6547E18' 
-18:04:34 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eEvent8': 8Type='eon ENDER_DRAGON killed8'  
-                   8Container='bWORLDEVENTS1e(WORLD)8'  8Player='eNLBlackEagle8'  
-                   8Context='e{cause=PROJECTILE, damager=p@NLBlackEagle, 
-                   entity=e@162577, damage=18.0, projectile=e@162619}8' 
-18:04:34 [INFO] d+- Building event 'ON ENDER_DRAGON KILLED' for 
-                   WORLDEVENTS1 ---------+ 
-18:04:34 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:34 [INFO] d fFilled tag <context.entity> with 'e@162577'. 
-18:04:34 [INFO] d feComparable 1: fComparable='String(be@162577f)', 
-                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='String(bnullf)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='false' 
-18:04:34 [INFO] d fCompleting queue 01EE6981-29C7-4963-8503-DBAB1843C8BD... 
-18:04:34 [INFO] d fStarting InstantQueue 
-                   '01EE6981-29C7-4963-8503-DBAB1843C8BD' 
-18:04:34 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eEvent8': 8Type='eon ENDER_DRAGON killed8'  
-                   8Container='bWORLD EVENTSe(WORLD)8'  8Player='eNLBlackEagle8'  
-                   8Context='e{cause=PROJECTILE, damager=p@NLBlackEagle, 
-                   entity=e@162577, damage=18.0, projectile=e@162619}8' 
-18:04:34 [INFO] d+- Building event 'ON ENDER_DRAGON KILLED' for WORLD 
-                   EVENTS ---------+ 
-18:04:34 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:34 [INFO] d fFilled tag <context.entity> with 'e@162577'. 
-18:04:34 [INFO] d feComparable 1: fComparable='String(bnullf)', 
-                   Operator='CONTAINS', ComparedTo='String(be@162577f)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='false' 
-18:04:34 [INFO] d fCompleting queue E1032387-C082-434D-B467-E8F0A8B64D4E... 
-18:04:34 [INFO] d fStarting InstantQueue 
-                   'E1032387-C082-434D-B467-E8F0A8B64D4E' 
-18:04:37 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: IF/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:37 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player.flag[Dragon123456]> with 'null'. 
-18:04:37 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player.has_flag[50HDragonSpawn:true]> with 
-                   'false'. 
-18:04:37 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player.is_online> with 'true'. 
-18:04:37 [INFO] d feComparable 1: fComparable='String(bnullf)', 
-                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='String(bnullf)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='true' 
-18:04:37 [INFO] d feComparable 2: fComparable='Boolean(bfalsef)', 
-                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(btruef)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='false' 
-18:04:37 [INFO] d feComparable 3: fComparable='Boolean(btruef)', 
-                   Operator='EQUALS', ComparedTo='Boolean(btruef)' e--> 
-                   OUTCOME='true' 
-18:04:37 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: FLAG/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:37 [INFO] d fFilled tag <player> with 'p@NLBlackEagle'. 
-18:04:37 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eFLAG8': flag_name='bDRAGONACTUALTIME8'  
-                   8Action/Value='bINCREASEe(1)8'  flag_target='bp@NLBlackEagle8' 
-18:04:37 [INFO] d+- Executing dCommand: RUN/NLBlackEagle ---------+ 
-18:04:37 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eRUN8': 8script='bDRAGONSPAWNINGSCRIPTe(TASK)8'  
-                   8delay='e60.0s8' 
-18:04:37 [INFO] d fDelaying TimedQueue 
-                   '6BB49A02-6854-4C74-8B16-F17F9D2B0CFB' for '60.0s'. 
-18:04:37 [INFO] d fCompleting queue 9DC0164B-A75D-47DA-AE50-C914E0F01941...