Paste #54764: Untitled Paste

Date: 2019/06/21 14:18:26 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: task
    debug: true
    - yaml set id:events
    - yaml set id:events tribute.mcmmo.rate:1
    - yaml set id:events tribute.mcmmo.progress:0
    - yaml set id:events tribute.drops.rate:1
    - yaml set id:events tribute.drops.progress:0
    - yaml set id:events tribute.experience.rate:1
    - yaml set id:events tribute.experience.progress:0
    - yaml set id:rates
    - yaml set id:rates drops.multiplier:1
    - yaml set id:rates
    - yaml set id:rates experience.multiplier:1
    - yaml id:rates savefile:scriptdata/Rates.yml
    - yaml id:events savefile:scriptdata/Events.yml
    - execute as_server "xprate reset"
    - reload

    type: world
    debug: true
        on system time hourly:
        - announce to_console "Tribute Handler system time event run"
        - if <[EEE]> != Fri && <[EEE]> != Mon:
            - announce to_console "Date is not Friday or Monday, Tribute Handler stopping"
            - queue clear
        - else if <[EEE]> == Fri:
            - announce to_console "Date is Friday, Tribute Handler running"
            - if <yaml[events].read[]>:
                - announce to_console "Tribute event already active, Tribute Handler stopping"
                - queue clear
            - else:
                - announce to_console "Activating Tribute"
                - yaml set id:events
                - yaml set id:rates
                - yaml set id:rates drop.multiplier: 1
                - yaml set id:rates
                - yaml set id:rates experience.multiplier:1
                - yaml id:rates savefile:scriptdata/Rates.yml
                - yaml id:events savefile:scriptdata/Events.yml
                - announce to_console "Reloading scripts"
                - reload
        - else if <[EEE]> == Mon:
            - if <yaml[events].read[]> == false:
                - queue clear
            - else:
                - yaml set id:events
                - yaml set id:events tribute.mcmmo.rate:1
                - yaml set id:events tribute.mcmmo.progress:0
                - yaml set id:events tribute.drops.rate:1
                - yaml set id:events tribute.drops.progress:0
                - yaml set id:events tribute.experience.rate:1
                - yaml set id:events tribute.experience.progress:0
                - yaml set id:rates
                - yaml set id:rates drops.multiplier:1
                - yaml set id:rates
                - yaml set id:rates experience.multiplier:1
                - yaml id:rates savefile:scriptdata/Rates.yml
                - yaml id:events savefile:scriptdata/Events.yml
                - execute as_server "xprate reset"
                - reload
        on player joins:
        - if <yaml[events].read[].not>:
            - queue clear
        - if <yaml[events].read[]>:
            - wait 3s
            - narrate "<&6>The Gods seek your offerings of Tribute! Collect Tribute and deliver it to the <&2>Oracle of the Gods<&6> in the castle in Dawn's Landing!"
            - if <yaml[events].read[tribute.mcmmo.rate]> > 1 || <yaml[events].read[tribute.drops.rate]> > 1 || <yaml[events].read[tribute.experience.rate]> > 1:
                - narrate "<&a>Current blessings:"
                - narrate "<&a>Blessing of Skillfulness: <&6><yaml[events].read[tribute.mcmmo.rate]>x"
                - narrate "<&a>Blessing of Luck: <&6><yaml[events].read[tribute.drops.rate]>x"
                - narrate "<&a>Blessing of Wisdom: <&6><yaml[events].read[tribute.experience.rate]>x"
        on player receives message:
        - if "<context.message.contains_text[mcMMO is currently in an XP rate event]>" && <yaml[events].read[]>:
            - determine cancelled

    type: world
    debug: false
        on system time 19:00:
        - if <server.has_flag[tribute_power_hour]>:
            - queue clear
        - else:
            - flag server tribute_power_hour:true duration:2h
            - announce "<&a>The Gods present an opportunity to win their favor! For the next two hours, Tribute will appear more often!"
            - discord id:sxr message channel:191040977652285450 "**The Gods present an opportunity to win their favor! For the next two hours, Tribute will appear more often!**"

    type: world
    debug: false
        on mm denizen death:
        - if <yaml[events].read[]> == false:
            - queue clear
        - if !<[<&9>]||null>:
            - queue clear
        - else if <[<&9>]||null>:
            - if <server.has_flag[tribute_power_hour]>:
                - if <[2].to[10]> <= 1:
                    - drop GodsTribute location:<context.entity.location>
            - else if <[1].to[10]> <= 1:
                - drop GodsTribute location:<context.entity.location>

    type: world
    debug: false
        on mm denizen death:
        - if <yaml[events].read[]> == false:
            - queue clear
        - if !<[<&d>]||null>:
            - queue clear
        - else if <[<&d>]||null>:
            - if <server.has_flag[tribute_power_hour]>:
                - drop GodsTribute location:<context.entity.location> quantity:2
            - else:
                - drop GodsTribute location:<context.entity.location>

    type: world
    debug: false
        on player gains xp for mining:
        - if <yaml[events].read[]> == false:
            - queue clear
        - if <[1].to[150]> <= 1:
            - if <server.has_flag[tribute_power_hour]>:
                - give GodsTribute quantity:2
            - else:
                - give GodsTribute
            - narrate "<&a>You found a Tribute to the Gods!"

        on player gains xp for herbalism:
        - if <yaml[events].read[]> == false:
            - queue clear
        - if <[1].to[150]> <= 1:
            - if <server.has_flag[tribute_power_hour]>:
                - give GodsTribute quantity:2
            - else:
                - give GodsTribute
            - narrate "<&a>You found a Tribute to the Gods!"

        on player gains xp for fishing:
        - if <yaml[events].read[]> == false:
            - queue clear
        - if <[1].to[25]> <= 1:
            - if <server.has_flag[tribute_power_hour]>:
                - give GodsTribute quantity:2
            - else:
                - give GodsTribute
            - narrate "<&a>You found a Tribute to the Gods!"

        on player gains xp for woodcutting:
        - if <yaml[events].read[]> == false:
            - queue clear
        - if <[1].to[150]> <= 1:
            - if <server.has_flag[tribute_power_hour]>:
                - give GodsTribute quantity:2
            - else:
                - give GodsTribute
            - narrate "<&a>You found a Tribute to the Gods!"

        on player gains xp for excavation:
        - if <yaml[events].read[]> == false:
            - queue clear
        - if <[1].to[150]> <= 1:
            - if <server.has_flag[tribute_power_hour]>:
                - give GodsTribute quantity:2
            - else:
                - give GodsTribute
            - narrate "<&a>You found a Tribute to the Gods!"