Paste #54895: Untitled Paste

Date: 2019/06/24 19:51:20 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: world
        on player joins:
        - if <player.in_group[tourist].world[global]>
            - teleport <player> l@0,60,0,World2_the_end
            - wait 1s
            - adjust <player> resource_pack:
            - narrate "<&d>If you missed the automatic download, please grab the tutorial texturepack from"
            - narrate "<&5>"
            - execute as_server "speed walk <player> 2" 
            - execute as_server "title <player> title {"text":"ACCEPT THIS PACK","bold":true,"color":"light_purple"}"
            - execute as_server "titleraw @a subtitle {"rawtext":[{"text":"ยง4 It's just for the tutorial."}]}"
        on player enters <cu@-500, 53, -500, World2_the_end|500, 53, 500, World2_the_end>
            - narrate "<&4> This is your beginning, not your end!"
            - execute as_server "tp <player> 0, 60, -145"
        on player enters <cu@-4, 63, -211, World2_the_end|5, 63, -224, World2_the_end>
            - wait 1s
            - execute as_server "warp <player> playerfield"
            - execute as_server "speed walk <player> 1"
            - execute as_server "gamemode <player> 1"
            - if <player.in_group[tourist].world[global]>
                - execute as_server "promote <player>"
            - narrate "<&c>Awesome! You've started your journey!"
            - narrate "<&d>Fly out a bit, find yourself some land, and get building!"
            - narrate "<&5>When you finish, ping a staff in the <&l>discord<&5> and they can check your build out!
            - narrate "<&9>"