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Date: 2019/08/31 01:11:16 UTC-07:00
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  type: world 
    on cauldron level changes: 
      - announce "<blue>-------(DEBUG <green>Start<blue>)-------"
      - define loc <s@AngieConfig.yaml_key[cauldron].as_location>
      - if <[loc]> == <context.location>:
        - announce "Cauldron <green>is<white> at location"
        - define player <context.entity>
        - announce '<[player]>'
        - if <[player].has_permission[denizen.quests.angie.cauldron]>:
          - announce "Player <green>has<white> permission"
          - if <[player].has_flag[AngieQuest] == 1>:
            - announce "Player <green>has<white> AngieQuest started"
          - else:
            - announce "Player <red>does not<white> have AngieQuest started"
        - else:
          - announce "Player <red>does not<white> have permission"
      - else:
        - announce "Cauldron <red>is not<white> at location"
      - announce "on cauldron level changes" 
      - announce "context.location: <white><context.location>" 
      - announce "context.entity: <white><context.entity>" 
      - announce "context.cause: <white><context.cause>" 
      - announce "context.old_level: <white><context.old_level>" 
      - announce "context.new_level: <white><context.new_level>" 
      - announce "<blue>-------(DEBUG <red>End<blue>)-------"