Paste #57656: Denizen Debug Logs From 6Now comes with aSbpcrdien3k5l6e1s 6!

Date: 2019/09/03 16:03:11 UTC-07:00
Type: Server Log

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Java Version: 1.8.0_212
Up-time: 7h 16m
CraftBukkit Version: git-Paper-167 (MC: 1.14.4)
Denizen Version: Core: 1.50-SNAPSHOT (Build 360), CraftBukkit: 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT (build 4078-DEV)
Active Plugins (38): CleanroomGenerator: 1.1.0, dynmap: 3.0-beta-5-218, WorldEdit: 7.0.1;61bc012, 
PyroFishingPro: 3.5.2, PlaceholderAPI: 2.10.3, ArmorStandEditor: 1.13-21, PlugMan: 2.1.6, 
CPCameraStudioReborn: 1.4.2, ProtocolLib: 4.5.0-SNAPSHOT, Multiverse-Core: 4.0.0-b766, 
WorldGuard: 7.0.1-SNAPSHOT;556b638, MCCore: 1.67, LibsDisguises: 9.8.2-SNAPSHOT, 
ChatReaction: 1.8.0, ForceResourcepacks: 1.8.8 (build #342), ChestRestock: 2.3.2-b106, 
WolfyUtilities:, DeluxeMenus: 1.12.0, Vault: 1.6.11, BlockParticles: 1.1, 
GCore: 7.10.0, ChatControl: 8.3.10, CustomCrafting:, HolographicDisplays: 2.3.3-SNAPSHOT, 
Brewery: 1.7.2, Citizens: 2.0.25-SNAPSHOT (build 1743), SkillAPI: 1.89, MythicMobs: 4.8.0-SNAPSHOT-2893, 
TradePlus: 3.49, JupiterCore: 1.3.0, Denizen: 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT (build 4078-DEV), 
dtlTradersPlus: 5.0.7, DungeonsXL: 0.18-SNAPSHOT-767, CMI:, GatherAndCraft: 2.0.3, 
CitizensCMD: 2.3.2, QuestCreator: 5.14.0, QuantumRPG: 4.2.5
Loaded Worlds (5): estaria, Test1, castle, tnt, bundle
Online Players (1): ?MasterMage(Mutim_Endymion)
Offline Players: 35
Mode: online

00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'FLETCHING_LISTENER' in queue 'FLETCHING_LISTENER_SteelConceptualEmployee' while executing command 
                   'INVENTORY' in file 'scripts/crafting/fletching.yml' on line '8' with player 'p@820accf7-c943-40ff-beb2-961533406efa 
     Error Message: Tag <<basic arrow>> is invalid! ... Enable debug on the script for more information. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Applying property 'skull_skin' on object of type 'Item'... 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <gold> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <gold> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <underline> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <light_purple> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <light_purple> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <light_purple> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <light_purple> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <yellow> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <light_purple> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <light_purple> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <light_purple> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <light_purple> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <green> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <light_purple> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <green> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <bold> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <light_purple> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <light_purple> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <light_purple> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <dark_purple> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <dark_red> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:51 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'FLETCHING_INVENTORY_HANDLER' in queue 'FLETCHING_INVENTORY_HANDLER_MateAppearedAbs' while executing command 
                   'INVENTORY' in file 'scripts/crafting/fletching.yml' on line '118' with player 'p@820accf7-c943-40ff-beb2-961533406efa 
     Error Message: Tag <<basic arrow>> is invalid! ... Enable debug on the script for more information. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <green> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <bold> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'FLETCHING_INVENTORY_HANDLER' in queue 'FLETCHING_INVENTORY_HANDLER_MaintainingWallsCio' while executing 
                   command 'PLAYEFFECT' in file 'scripts/crafting/fletching.yml' on line '123' with player 
                   'p@820accf7-c943-40ff-beb2-961533406efa (Mutim_Endymion)'!
     Error Message: Invalid context ID 'location'! ... Enable debug on the script for more information. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'FLETCHING_INVENTORY_HANDLER' in queue 'FLETCHING_INVENTORY_HANDLER_MaintainingWallsCio' while executing 
                   command 'PLAYEFFECT' in file 'scripts/crafting/fletching.yml' on line '123' with player 
                   'p@820accf7-c943-40ff-beb2-961533406efa (Mutim_Endymion)'!
     Error Message: Tag <context.location.formatted> is invalid! ... Enable debug on the script for more information. 
00:02:52 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'FLETCHING_INVENTORY_HANDLER' in queue 'FLETCHING_INVENTORY_HANDLER_MaintainingWallsCio' while executing 
                   command 'PLAYEFFECT' in file 'scripts/crafting/fletching.yml' on line '123' with player 
                   'p@820accf7-c943-40ff-beb2-961533406efa (Mutim_Endymion)'!
     Error Message: 'context.location.formatted' is an unknown argument! ... Enable debug on the script for more information. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <white> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'BASIC_ARROW_CRAFT_HANDLER' in queue 'BASIC_ARROW_CRAFT_HANDLER_WaveNetMount' while executing command 'IF' in 
                   file 'scripts/crafting/fletching_handlers.yml' on line '17' with player 'p@820accf7-c943-40ff-beb2-961533406efa 
     Error Message: Tag <<basic arrow>> is invalid! ... Enable debug on the script for more information. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <green> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <bold> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  Filled tag <black> with ''. 
00:02:57 [INFO]  ERROR in script 'BASIC_ARROW_CRAFT_HANDLER' in queue 'BASIC_ARROW_CRAFT_HANDLER_WaveNetMount' while executing command 'IF' in 
                   file 'scripts/crafting/fletching_handlers.yml' on line '17' with player 'p@820accf7-c943-40ff-beb2-961533406efa 
     Error Message: Tag <inventory[basic_arrow_craft_inventory].slot[17].display> is invalid! ... Enable debug on the script 
                   for more information.