Java Version: 1.8.0_222 Up-time: 2h 18m CraftBukkit Version: git-Paper-652 (MC: 1.13.2) Denizen Version: Core: 1.60-SNAPSHOT (Build 443), CraftBukkit: 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT (build 4317-DEV) Active Plugins (56): 2PlaceholderAPI: 2.10.4, 2RealisticGrave: 1.0.0, 2Thirst: 2.8.8, 2DeluxeTags: 1.7.1, 2SuperTrails: 9.7.2, 2CustomDrops: 2.4.4, 2LuckPerms: 4.4.1, 2WorldEdit: 7.0.0;214af8a, 2TitleMotd: 1.5.0, 2ClearLag: 3.1.0, 2WorldBorder: 1.8.7, 2RandomTP: 1.0.3, 2SurvivalMechanics: 1.36, 2BannerBoard: 1.10.2, 2Multiverse-Core: 4.0.0-b766, 2MVdWPlaceholderAPI: 3.0.1, 2AdvancedArmorStands: 1.9.1, 2DeluxeMenus: 1.10.5, 2FeatherBoard: 4.22.0, 2Vault: 1.7.3-b${env.TRAVIS_BUILD_NUMBER}, 2DailyRewards: 1.3.1, 2ProtocolSupport: 4.29-dev, 2BoilingCauldrons: 1.2.3, 2BlockParticles: 1.1, 2CrazyCrates: 1.9.11, 2BetterBowTrails: 2.0.3, 2WorldGuard: 7.0.0;02b731f, 2MythicMobs: 4.6.5-2800, 2TradePlus: 3.54, 2ViaVersion: 2.1.3, 2MyCommand: 5.3.4, 2CrazyEnchantments:, 2AgarthaLib: 2.17.1, 2GadgetsMenu: 4.5.4, 2DecoHeads: 1.5.0, 2ProtocolLib: 4.4.0, 2Citizens: 2.0.25-SNAPSHOT (build 1759), 2CrazyAuctions: 1.2.4, 2TAB: 2.5.2, 2mcMMO: 2.1.110, 2ServerShop-GUI: 2.5, 2Disease: 3.1.1, 2HolographicDisplays: 2.3.2, 2CMI:, 2DreamFish: 4.4.6, 2CommandNPC: 1.9.1, 2Denizen: 1.1.1-SNAPSHOT (build 4317-DEV), 2UltimateTimber: 2.0.3, 2Towny: for 1.13.2, 2Quests: 3.8.1-b42, 2ProtectionLib: 0.9.8, 2TownyNameUpdater: 4.0, 2VentureChat: 2.16.0, 2Depenizen: 2.0.0 (build 560), 2FurnitureLib: 2.1.4, 2DiceFurniture: Loaded Worlds (5): world, world_nether, world_the_end, test, dimension Online Players (1): bX7eane7(Xeane) Offline Players: 18 Mode: offline (BungeeCoord) 02:11:04 [INFO] d feRunning script event 'bPlayerPlacesBlocke', event='bplayer places system_township_harvester_blocke' for script 'bSYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_EVENTSe' 02:11:04 [INFO] d f6Starting InstantQueue 'SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_EVENTS_5Jump6Affair9Describe6' with player 'Xeane'... 02:11:04 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_EVENTS_5Jump6Affair9Described' Executing: f8(line 15)f DETERMINE "passively" "cancelled"d ---------+ 02:11:04 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDETERMINE8': 8outcome='ecancelled8' 8passively='etrue8' 8Queue='eq@SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_EVENTS_JumpAffairDescribe8' 02:11:04 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_EVENTS_5Jump6Affair9Described' Executing: f8(line 16)f IF "" "!=" "null"d ---------+ 02:11:04 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eIF8': 8use_braces='etrue8' 02:11:04 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <||null8> with 'ftown@Nox8'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d f8Logic='bNEGATIVE8', 8Comparable='Element8(btown@Nox8)'8, Operator='bEQUALS8', ComparedTo='Element8(bnull8)' e--> OUTCOME='true' 02:11:04 [INFO] d feIf command passed, running block. 02:11:04 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_EVENTS_5Jump6Affair9Described' Executing: f8(line 17)f SCHEMATIC "paste" "name:harvester_test" "]>|]>].center.sub[8,0,8]>"d ---------+ 02:11:04 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.location.y8> with 'f648'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.location.chunk.cuboid.min.with_y[64]8> with 'fel@-8968,e 648,e 7208,e world8'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.location.y8> with 'f648'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.location.chunk.cuboid.max.with_y[64]8> with 'fel@-8818,e 648,e 7358,e world8'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcuboid[l@-896,64,720,world|l@-881,64,735,world].center.sub[8,0,8]8> with 'fel@-8968,e 64.58,e 7208,e world8'. 02:11:04 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eSCHEMATIC8': 8type='ePASTE8' 8name='eharvester_test8' 8location='eel@-8968,e 64.58,e 7208,e world8' 02:11:04 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_EVENTS_5Jump6Affair9Described' Executing: f8(line 18)f RUN "system_township_harvester_new" "def:"d ---------+ 02:11:04 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fcontext.location.chunk8> with 'fch@-56,45,world8'. 02:11:04 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eRUN8': 8script='es@SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_NEWa (TASK)8' 8definitions='ech@-56,45,world8' 02:11:04 [INFO] d fAdding definition '1' as ch@-56,45,world 02:11:04 [INFO] d f6Starting InstantQueue 'SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_NEW_aHuntfPanelsdLan6' with player 'Xeane'... 02:11:04 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_NEW_aHuntfPanelsdLand' Executing: f8(line 86)f DEFINE "number:]>"d ---------+ 02:11:04 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fplayer.town8> with 'ftown@Nox8'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d fAdding definition 'town' as town@Nox 02:11:04 [INFO] d f6Starting InstantQueue 'SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_GETCOUNT_6AlbumseBioseExperienced6' with player 'Xeane'... 02:11:04 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_GETCOUNT_6AlbumseBioseExperiencedd' Executing: f8(line 80)f DETERMINE "].list_keys[harvesters].size||0>"d ---------+ 02:11:04 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f[town].name8> with 'fNox8'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fyaml[town.Nox].list_keys[harvesters].size||08> with 'f08'. 02:11:04 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDETERMINE8': 8outcome='e08' 8passively='efalse8' 8Queue='eq@SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_GETCOUNT_AlbumsBiosExperienced8' 02:11:04 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_GETCOUNT_6AlbumseBioseExperienced6' in 0ms. 02:11:04 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fproc[system_township_harvester_getCount].context[town@Nox]8> with 'f08'. 02:11:04 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eDEFINE8': 8queue='eSYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_NEW_HuntPanelsLan8' 8action='e(number[0]:SET:0)8' 02:11:04 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_NEW_aHuntfPanelsdLand' Executing: f8(line 87)f RUN "setTownData" "def:|harvesters.<[number].+[1]>.biomes|<[chunk].cuboid.blocks.parse[biome].deduplicate>"d ---------+ 02:11:04 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fplayer.town8> with 'ftown@Nox8'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f[number].+[1]8> with 'f18'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_NEWc' in queue 'SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_NEW_aHuntfPanelsdLanc' while executing command 'bRUNc' in file 'bscripts/systems/system_township_harvester.dscc' on line 'b87c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fInvalid definition name 'chunk'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_NEWc' in queue 'SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_NEW_aHuntfPanelsdLanc' while executing command 'bRUNc' in file 'bscripts/systems/system_township_harvester.dscc' on line 'b87c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fTag <[chunk].cuboid.blocks.parse[biome].deduplicate> is invalid! 02:11:04 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eRUN8': 8script='es@SETTOWNDATAa (TASK)8' 8definitions='etown@Nox|harvesters.1.biomes|[chunk].cuboid.blocks.parse[biome].deduplicate8' 02:11:04 [INFO] d fAdding definition '1' as town@Nox 02:11:04 [INFO] d fAdding definition '2' as harvesters.1.biomes 02:11:04 [INFO] d fAdding definition '3' as [chunk].cuboid.blocks.parse[biome].deduplicate 02:11:04 [INFO] d f6Starting InstantQueue 'SETTOWNDATA_eXeroxaReferred5Little6' with player 'Xeane'... 02:11:04 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'SETTOWNDATA_eXeroxaReferred5Littled' Executing: f8(line 5)f YAML "set" "<[dataName]>:<[dataValue]>" "id:town.<[town].name>"d ---------+ 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_eXeroxaReferred5Littlec' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fInvalid definition name 'dataName'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_eXeroxaReferred5Littlec' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fTag <[dataName]> is invalid! 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_eXeroxaReferred5Littlec' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fInvalid definition name 'dataValue'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_eXeroxaReferred5Littlec' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fTag <[dataValue]> is invalid! 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_eXeroxaReferred5Littlec' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fInvalid definition name 'town'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_eXeroxaReferred5Littlec' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fTag <[town].name> is invalid! 02:11:04 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eYAML8': 8id='etown.[town].name8' 8action='eSET8' 8yaml_action='eSET_VALUE8' 8key='e[dataName]8' 8value='e[dataValue]8' 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_eXeroxaReferred5Littlec' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fUnknown YAML ID 'TOWN.[TOWN].NAME' 02:11:04 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'SETTOWNDATA_eXeroxaReferred5Little6' in 1ms. 02:11:04 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_NEW_aHuntfPanelsdLand' Executing: f8(line 88)f RUN "setTownData" "def:|harvesters.<[number].+[1]>.status|&aHarvesting"d ---------+ 02:11:04 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fplayer.town8> with 'ftown@Nox8'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f[number].+[1]8> with 'f18'. 02:11:04 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eRUN8': 8script='es@SETTOWNDATAa (TASK)8' 8definitions='etown@Nox|harvesters.1.status|&aHarvesting8' 02:11:04 [INFO] d fAdding definition '1' as town@Nox 02:11:04 [INFO] d fAdding definition '2' as harvesters.1.status 02:11:04 [INFO] d fAdding definition '3' as &aHarvesting 02:11:04 [INFO] d f6Starting InstantQueue 'SETTOWNDATA_3WorseaKnowdHusband6' with player 'Xeane'... 02:11:04 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'SETTOWNDATA_3WorseaKnowdHusbandd' Executing: f8(line 5)f YAML "set" "<[dataName]>:<[dataValue]>" "id:town.<[town].name>"d ---------+ 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_3WorseaKnowdHusbandc' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fInvalid definition name 'dataName'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_3WorseaKnowdHusbandc' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fTag <[dataName]> is invalid! 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_3WorseaKnowdHusbandc' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fInvalid definition name 'dataValue'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_3WorseaKnowdHusbandc' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fTag <[dataValue]> is invalid! 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_3WorseaKnowdHusbandc' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fInvalid definition name 'town'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_3WorseaKnowdHusbandc' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fTag <[town].name> is invalid! 02:11:04 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eYAML8': 8id='etown.[town].name8' 8action='eSET8' 8yaml_action='eSET_VALUE8' 8key='e[dataName]8' 8value='e[dataValue]8' 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_3WorseaKnowdHusbandc' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fUnknown YAML ID 'TOWN.[TOWN].NAME' 02:11:04 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'SETTOWNDATA_3WorseaKnowdHusband6' in 1ms. 02:11:04 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_NEW_aHuntfPanelsdLand' Executing: f8(line 89)f RUN "setTownData" "def:|harvesters.<[number].+[1]>.level|1"d ---------+ 02:11:04 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fplayer.town8> with 'ftown@Nox8'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f[number].+[1]8> with 'f18'. 02:11:04 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eRUN8': 8script='es@SETTOWNDATAa (TASK)8' 8definitions='etown@Nox|harvesters.1.level|18' 02:11:04 [INFO] d fAdding definition '1' as town@Nox 02:11:04 [INFO] d fAdding definition '2' as harvesters.1.level 02:11:04 [INFO] d fAdding definition '3' as 1 02:11:04 [INFO] d f6Starting InstantQueue 'SETTOWNDATA_7Downloading1Nc1Sip6' with player 'Xeane'... 02:11:04 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'SETTOWNDATA_7Downloading1Nc1Sipd' Executing: f8(line 5)f YAML "set" "<[dataName]>:<[dataValue]>" "id:town.<[town].name>"d ---------+ 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_7Downloading1Nc1Sipc' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fInvalid definition name 'dataName'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_7Downloading1Nc1Sipc' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fTag <[dataName]> is invalid! 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_7Downloading1Nc1Sipc' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fInvalid definition name 'dataValue'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_7Downloading1Nc1Sipc' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fTag <[dataValue]> is invalid! 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_7Downloading1Nc1Sipc' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fInvalid definition name 'town'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_7Downloading1Nc1Sipc' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fTag <[town].name> is invalid! 02:11:04 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eYAML8': 8id='etown.[town].name8' 8action='eSET8' 8yaml_action='eSET_VALUE8' 8key='e[dataName]8' 8value='e[dataValue]8' 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_7Downloading1Nc1Sipc' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fUnknown YAML ID 'TOWN.[TOWN].NAME' 02:11:04 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'SETTOWNDATA_7Downloading1Nc1Sip6' in 1ms. 02:11:04 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_NEW_aHuntfPanelsdLand' Executing: f8(line 90)f RUN "setTownData" "def:|harvesters.<[number].+[1]>.chunk|<[chunk]>"d ---------+ 02:11:04 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fplayer.town8> with 'ftown@Nox8'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f[number].+[1]8> with 'f18'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_NEWc' in queue 'SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_NEW_aHuntfPanelsdLanc' while executing command 'bRUNc' in file 'bscripts/systems/system_township_harvester.dscc' on line 'b90c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fInvalid definition name 'chunk'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_NEWc' in queue 'SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_NEW_aHuntfPanelsdLanc' while executing command 'bRUNc' in file 'bscripts/systems/system_township_harvester.dscc' on line 'b90c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fTag <[chunk]> is invalid! 02:11:04 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eRUN8': 8script='es@SETTOWNDATAa (TASK)8' 8definitions='etown@Nox|harvesters.1.chunk|[chunk]8' 02:11:04 [INFO] d fAdding definition '1' as town@Nox 02:11:04 [INFO] d fAdding definition '2' as harvesters.1.chunk 02:11:04 [INFO] d fAdding definition '3' as [chunk] 02:11:04 [INFO] d f6Starting InstantQueue 'SETTOWNDATA_fAdamsdWearfPure6' with player 'Xeane'... 02:11:04 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'SETTOWNDATA_fAdamsdWearfPured' Executing: f8(line 5)f YAML "set" "<[dataName]>:<[dataValue]>" "id:town.<[town].name>"d ---------+ 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_fAdamsdWearfPurec' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fInvalid definition name 'dataName'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_fAdamsdWearfPurec' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fTag <[dataName]> is invalid! 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_fAdamsdWearfPurec' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fInvalid definition name 'dataValue'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_fAdamsdWearfPurec' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fTag <[dataValue]> is invalid! 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_fAdamsdWearfPurec' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fInvalid definition name 'town'. 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_fAdamsdWearfPurec' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fTag <[town].name> is invalid! 02:11:04 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eYAML8': 8id='etown.[town].name8' 8action='eSET8' 8yaml_action='eSET_VALUE8' 8key='e[dataName]8' 8value='e[dataValue]8' 02:11:04 [INFO] d cERROR in script 'bSETTOWNDATAc' in queue 'SETTOWNDATA_fAdamsdWearfPurec' while executing command 'bYAMLc' in file 'bscripts/dataSystems/dataSystems_town.dscc' on line 'b5c' with player 'bp@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5a (Xeane)c'! 7 Error Message: fUnknown YAML ID 'TOWN.[TOWN].NAME' 02:11:04 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'SETTOWNDATA_fAdamsdWearfPure6' in 1ms. 02:11:04 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_NEW_aHuntfPanelsdLan6' in 9ms. 02:11:04 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_EVENTS_5Jump6Affair9Described' Executing: f8(line 19)f WAIT "1t"d ---------+ 02:11:04 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eWAIT8': 8queue='eq@SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_EVENTS_JumpAffairDescribe8' 8delay='ed@0.05s a(0.05s)8' 02:11:04 [INFO] d fForcing queue SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_EVENTS_JumpAffairDescribe into a timed queue... 02:11:04 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_EVENTS_5Jump6Affair9Describe6' in 13ms. 02:11:04 [INFO] d f6Starting TimedQueue 'SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_EVENTS_5Jump6Affair9Describe6' with player 'Xeane'... 02:11:04 [INFO] d fEvent cancelled! 02:11:05 [INFO] d+- dQueue 'SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_EVENTS_5Jump6Affair9Described' Executing: f8(line 20)f TAKE ""d ---------+ 02:11:05 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&a8> with 'fa8'. 02:11:05 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&e8> with 'fe8'. 02:11:05 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&e8> with 'fe8'. 02:11:05 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <f&e8> with 'fe8'. 02:11:05 [INFO] d f8Filled tag <fitem[system_township_harvester_block]8> with 'fi@stripped_oak_log[display_name=&ssaHarvester-in-a-Box;lore=&ssePlace this block in a town claimed chunk&dot|&sseThis will create a Town Harvester in the chunk you place it in&dot|&sseTown Harvesters gather special resources based on their Biomes˙script=SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_BLOCK]8'. 02:11:05 [INFO] d fApplying property 'display_name' on object of type 'Item'... 02:11:05 [INFO] d fApplying property 'lore' on object of type 'Item'... 02:11:05 [INFO] d fApplying property 'script' on object of type 'Item'... 02:11:05 [INFO] e+> 8Executing 'eTAKE8': 8Type='eITEM8' 8qty='e18' 8inventory='ein@player[holder=p@8d2e96af-70f7-43b7-b066-11b1f4fce6a5]8' 8Items='e[i@stripped_oak_log[display_name=&ssaHarvester-in-a-Box;lore=&ssePlace this block in a town claimed chunk&dot|&sseThis will create a Town Harvester in the chunk you place it in&dot|&sseTown Harvesters gather special resources based on their Biomes˙script=SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_BLOCK]]8' 02:11:05 [INFO] d f6Completing queue 'SYSTEM_TOWNSHIP_HARVESTER_EVENTS_5Jump6Affair9Describe6' in 39ms.