Paste #5963: Untitled Paste

Date: 2014/06/29 12:36:47 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: world
    on zombie kills player:
      - determine CANCELLED
      - if <context.damager.flag[team]> == red {
        - announce "<RED><> <WHITE>killed <BLUE><>"
        - execute as_server "eco give <> <[1].to[5]>"
        - execute as_server "warp bluespawn <>"
        } else {
        - announce "<BLUE><> <WHITE>killed <RED><>"
        - execute as_server "eco give <> <[1].to[5]>"
        - execute as_server "warp redspawn <>"
      - if <context.entity.flag[class]> == "pyro" {
        - if <> >= 100 {
          - execute as_server "tell <> <GOLD>100 Faction Points have been deducted from your account."
          - execute as_server "kit pyro <>"
          } else {
          - flag <> "class:peasant"
          - execute as_server "tell <> <GOLD>You do not have enough Faction Points to play as a Pyro again."
          - execute as_server "kit peasant <>"
        } elseif <context.entity.flag[class]> == "alchemist" {
        - if <> >= 100 {
          - execute as_server "tell <> <GOLD>100 Faction Points have been deducted from your account."
          - execute as_server "kit alchemist <>"
          } else {
          - flag <> "class:peasant"
          - execute as_server "tell <> <GOLD>You do not have enough Faction Points to play as an Alchemist again."
          - execute as_server "kit peasant <>"
        } elseif <context.entity.flag[class]> == "paladin" {
        - if <> >= 100 {
          - execute as_server "tell <> <GOLD>100 Faction Points have been deducted from your account."
          - execute as_server "kit paladin <>"
          } else {
          - flag <> "class:peasant"
          - execute as_server "tell <> <GOLD>You do not have enough Faction Points to play as a Holy Paladin again."
          - execute as_server "kit peasant <>"
        } else execute as_server "kit <context.entity.flag[class]> <>"
      - heal <>