Paste #6243: Untitled Paste

Date: 2014/07/04 00:20:30 UTC-07:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: task
        - define title "<&5><&l>RANKUP!<&f> | <&d>"
        - narrate "%title%Your %5% skill has leveled up! You have advanced from %2%<&d> to %3%<&d>!" t:%1%
        - if %5% == sword ^run sword_rank_info def:%1%
        - if %5% == fishing ^run fishing_rank_info def:%1%

    type: task
        - define title "<&5><&l>INFO<&f> | <&d>"
        - wait 2s
        - if <%1%.flag[sword_rank]> == 1 {
          - narrate '%title%Unlocked the Berserking enchantment for swords. Grants bonus damage on hit for (0.5 + 0.5 * level) seconds.'
          - queue clear
        - if <%1%.flag[sword_rank]> == 2 {
          - narrate '%title%Unlocked the Dash enchantment for swords. Dashes forward upon right click and damages all enemies passed through by 1 hitpoint times the level. (5 second cooldown)'
          - wait 2s
          - narrate '%title%Unlocked the Fervor enchantment for swords. Applies tier 2 speed to you for (0.5 + 0.5 * level) seconds on hit.'
          - wait 2s
          - narrate '%title%+5XP for every mob killed with a sword.'
          - queue clear
        - if <%1%.flag[sword_rank]> == 3 {
          - narrate '%title%Unlocked the Blind enchantment for swords. Applies tier 2 wither to enemies you hit for (0.5 + 0.5 * level) seconds.'
          - wait 2s
          - narrate '%title%Unlocked the Weakness enchantment for swords. Applies tier 2 weakness to enemies you hit for (0.5 + 0.5 * level) seconds.'
          - wait 2s
          - narrate '%title%+10XP for every mob killed with a sword.'
          - queue clear
        - if <%1%.flag[sword_rank]> == 4 {
          - narrate '%title%Unlocked the Slowing enchantment for swords. Applies tier 2 slow on hit for (0.5 + 0.5 * level) seconds.'
          - wait 2s
          - narrate '%title%Unlocked the Wither enchantment for swords. Applies tier 2 wither to enemies you hit for (0.5 + 0.5 * level) seconds.'
          - wait 2s
          - narrate '%title%+15XP for every mob killed with a sword.'
          - queue clear
        - if <%1%.flag[sword_rank]> == 5 {
          - narrate '%title%Unlocked the Knockup enchantment for swords and bows. Has a (2.5 + 2.5 * level)% chance to knock the target up in the air on hit.'
          - queue clear
          - wait 2s
          - narrate '%title%+20XP for every mob killed with a sword.'
        - if <%1%.flag[sword_rank]> == 6 {
          - narrate '%title%Unlocked the Pull enchantment for swords. Pulls the target enemy towards you. ([10 - level] second cooldown)'
          - wait 2s
          - narrate '%title%Unlocked the Repulse enchantment for swords. Pushes away all enemies within 10 blocks. ([10 - level] second cooldown)'
          - wait 2s
          - narrate '%title%+25XP for every mob killed with a sword.'
          - queue clear
        - if <%1%.flag[sword_rank]> == 7 {
          - narrate '%title%Unlocked the Forceful enchantment for swords. On hit, deals 1 damage to all enemies within a (5 + level) block radius of the target and pushes them back slightly.'
          - wait 2s
          - narrate '%title%+30XP for every mob killed with a sword.'
          - queue clear
        - if <%1%.flag[sword_rank]> == 8 {
          - narrate '%title%Unlocked the Toss enchantment for swords. Right click to grab the target enemy and start carrying them. Right click again to launch them in the direction you are facing with a speed equal to the enchantment level.'
          - wait 2s
          - narrate '%title%+35XP for every mob killed with a sword.'
          - queue clear

    type: task
        - define title "<&5><&l>INFO<&f> | <&d>"
        - wait 2s
        - if <%1%.flag[fishing_rank]> == 2 {
          - narrate '%title%Unlocked the Fried enchantment for fishing rods. Catch cooked fish instead of raw fish.'
        - if <%1%.flag[fishing_rank]> == 3 {
          - narrate '%title%Unlocked the Angler enchantment for fishing rods. Catch one extra fish per enchantment level while fishing.'