Paste #62952: Untitled Paste

Date: 2019/12/20 20:25:13 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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  type: world
  debug: true
    on block dispenses item:
    - if <server.flag[infinitlocation].as_list.contains[<context.location>]>:
      - give <context.item> to:<context.location.inventory>

    on player breaks dispenser:
    - if <server.flag[infinitlocation].as_list.contains[<context.location>]>:
      - determine cancelled

    on player breaks dropper:
    - if <server.flag[infinitlocation].as_list.contains[<context.location>]>:
      - determine cancelled

    on player right clicks dispenser with infinitystick:
    - narrate yup
    - if <server.has_flag[infinitlocation]> && <server.flag[infinitlocation].as_list.contains[<context.location>]>:
      - flag server infinitylocation:<-:<context.location>
      - else:
      - flag server infinitylocation:->:<context.location>
    on player damages dropper with infinitystick:
    - if <server.flag[infinitlocation].as_list.contains[<context.location>]>:
      - flag server infinitylocation:<-:<context.location>
      - else:
      - flag server infinitylocation:->:<context.location>
    on player drops infinitystick:
    - determine passively cancelled
    - take <context.item>
  type: item
  debug: false
  material: stick
  display name: 'infinity stick'