#Command that starts it all howto_command: type: command name: howto usage: /howto script: - inventory open d:in@Server_plugin_help_inv #generic items for inventories Return: type: item material: red_wool display name: Return to the previous menu. Main_Menu: type: item material: compass display name: Return to the main menu. Creates: type: item material: sunflower display name: Creates... #Books for describing Denizen_Commands: type: book title: 'Denizens' author: 'Some obstuse hobo' debug: false signed: true text: - /s The hub for all your species commands. /s xp tells you what your XP is. /s viewchar A nifty sidebar with all you need . There may be more commands based on your species. - /rtp will teleport you randomly in the world, it can only be used in the mining and overworld, and will take five minutes to recharge. - /chathelp will show you all of the chat channels we have on the server. - <&ns>help will show you all of what Bailey Bot can do. Magic_Startup: type: book title: 'Magic' author: 'Some guy on shrooms' signed: true text: - To begin your Magic adventure you will want an enchanting table and a basic wand. You can find this recipe in another section of /howto if you need help. Then you will want to get some XP from anything in Minecraft. - Once you feel enlightened, click on the enchanting table with your wand, then explore the options, you can do many things once you get the strongest wand, but for now you are limited to learning spells. - There may be more secrets held within dungeons and events that yield special magical items, which may also be able to learn special spells. #Server wide menu Server_plugin_help_inv: type: inventory title: Server Plugin Guides size: 27 slots: - "[i@Magic_menu_option] [] [i@Denizen_menu_option] [] [] [] [] [] []" - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []" - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []" #Base menu options Magic_menu_option: type: item material: enchanting_table display name: Magic Plugin Help Denizen_menu_option: type: item material: writable_book display name: Core Commands Help Server_help_handler: type: world events: on player clicks Magic_menu_option in Server_plugin_help_inv: - inventory open d:Magic_help_inv on player clicks Denizen_menu_option in Server_plugin_help_inv: - adjust show_book: on player clicks in Server_plugin_help_inv: - determine cancelled on player drags in Server_plugin_help_inv: - determine cancelled #Magic Menu Magic_help_inv: type: inventory title: Magic Guides size: 27 slots: - "[i@Mcraft] [i@Help_Book] [] [] [] [] [] [] []" - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []" - "[i@Return] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [i@Main_Menu]" #Options within Magic Menu Mcraft: type: item material: workbench display name: Crafting Recipes Help_Book: type: item material: bookshelf display name: Guide Book Magic_help_handler: type: world events: on player clicks in Magic_help_inv: - determine cancelled on player drags in Magic_help_inv: - determine cancelled on player clicks Mcraft in Magic_help_inv: - inventory open d:in@Magic_Crafting_menu on player clicks Help_Book in Magic_help_inv: - adjust show_book: #The basics of the Magic Craftings Magic_Crafting_menu: type: inventory title: Crafting Recipes size: 27 slots: - "[i@Weak_Wand] [i@Mystic_Powder] [i@Med_Wand] [i@Wand] [i@FPS] [i@PS] [] [] []" - "[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []" - "[i@Return] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [i@Main_Menu]" Crafting_help_handler: type: world events: on player clicks in Magic_Crafting_menu: - determine cancelled on player drags in Magic_Crafting_menu: - determine cancelled on player clicks Weak_Wand in Magic_Crafting_menu: - inventory open d:in@Weak_Wand_Craft on player clicks Mystic_Powder in Magic_Crafting_menu: - inventory open d:in@Mystic_Powder_Craft on player clicks Med_Wand in Magic_Crafting_menu: - inventory open d:in@Med_Wand_Craft on player clicks FPS in Magic_Crafting_menu: - inventory open d:in@FPS_Craft on player clicks PS in Magic_Crafting_menu: - inventory open d:in@PS_Craft on player clicks wand in Magic_Crafting_menu: - inventory open d:in@Wand_Craft on player clicks Return in Magic_Crafting_menu: - inventory open d:in@Magic_help_inv on player clicks Main_Menu in Magic_Crafting_menu: - inventory open d:in@Server_plugin_help_inv on player clicks Main_Menu in Magic_help_inv: - inventory open d:in@Server_plugin_help_inv #items for craftings Weak_Wand: type: item material: stick display name: Weak Wand Mystic_Powder: type: item material: gunpowder display name: Mystic Powder Med_Wand: type: item material: stick display name: Medium Wand Wand: type: item material: wooden_hoe display name: Wand FPS: type: item material: diamond display name: Flawed Philosiphers Stone PS: type: item material: Diamond display name: Philosiphers Stone #menus for each recipe Weak_Wand_Craft: type: inventory title: Crafting Recipes size: 27 slots: - "[] [] [i@flint] [] [] [] [] [] []" - "[] [] [i@stick] [] [] [i@Creates] [i@Weak_Wand] [] []" - "[i@Return] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [i@Main_Menu]" Mystic_Powder_Craft: type: inventory title: Crafting Recipes size: 27 slots: - "[] [] [i@redstone] [i@coal] [] [] [] [] []" - "[] [] [i@gunpowder] [i@ink_sac] [] [i@Creates] [i@Mystic_Powder] [] []" - "[i@Return] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [i@Main_Menu]" Med_Wand_Craft: type: inventory title: Crafting Recipes size: 27 slots: - "[] [] [i@Mystic_Powder] [] [] [] [] [] []" - "[] [] [i@stick] [] [] [i@Creates] [i@Med_Wand] [] []" - "[i@Return] [] [i@glowstone] [] [] [] [] [] [i@Main_Menu]" Wand_Craft: type: inventory title: Crafting Recipes size: 27 slots: - "[] [] [i@nether_star] [] [] [] [] [] []" - "[] [] [i@blaze_rod] [] [] [i@Creates] [i@Wand] [] []" - "[i@Return] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [i@Main_Menu]" FPS_Craft: type: inventory title: Crafting Recipes size: 27 slots: - "[] [] [i@glowstone_dust] [i@redstone] [i@gunpowder] [] [] [] []" - "[] [] [i@Mystic_Powder] [i@diamond] [i@Mystic_Powder] [i@Creates] [i@FPS] [] []" - "[i@Return] [] [i@gunpowder] [i@redstone] [i@glowstone_dust] [] [] [] [i@Main_Menu]" PS_Craft: type: inventory title: Crafting Recipes size: 27 slots: - "[] [] [i@Mystic_Powder] [i@glowstone] [i@Mystic_Powder] [] [] [] []" - "[] [] [i@emerald_block] [i@diamond_block] [i@emerald_block] [i@Creates] [i@PS] [] []" - "[i@Return] [] [i@Mystic_Powder] [i@glowstone] [i@Mystic_Powder] [] [] [] [i@Main_Menu]" #Crafting options Craft_Handlers: type: world events: #Weak Wand handle on player clicks in Weak_Wand_Craft: - determine cancelled on player drags in Weak_Wand_Craft: - determine cancelled on player clicks Return in Weak_Wand_Craft: - inventory open d:in@Magic_Crafting_menu on player clicks Main_Menu in Weak_Wand_Craft: - inventory open d:in@Server_plugin_help_inv #Mystic Powder handle on player clicks in Mystic_Powder_Craft: - determine cancelled on player drags in Mystic_Powder_Craft: - determine cancelled on player clicks Return in Mystic_Powder_Craft: - inventory open d:in@Magic_Crafting_menu on player clicks Main_Menu in Mystic_Powder_Craft: - inventory open d:in@Server_plugin_help_inv #Med Wand handle on player clicks in Med_Wand_Craft: - determine cancelled on player drags in Med_Wand_Craft: - determine cancelled on player clicks Return in Med_Wand_Craft: - inventory open d:in@Magic_Crafting_menu on player clicks Main_Menu in Med_Wand_Craft: - inventory open d:in@Server_plugin_help_inv #Wand handle on player clicks in Wand_Craft: - determine cancelled on player drags in Wand_Craft: - determine cancelled on player clicks Return in Wand_Craft: - inventory open d:in@Magic_Crafting_menu on player clicks Main_Menu in Wand_Craft: - inventory open d:in@Server_plugin_help_inv #FPS handle on player clicks in FPS_Craft: - determine cancelled on player drags in FPS_Craft: - determine cancelled on player clicks Return in FPS_Craft: - inventory open d:in@Magic_Crafting_menu on player clicks Main_Menu in FPS_Craft: - inventory open d:in@Server_plugin_help_inv #PS handle on player clicks in PS_Craft: - determine cancelled on player drags in PS_Craft: - determine cancelled on player clicks Return in PS_Craft: - inventory open d:in@Magic_Crafting_menu on player clicks Main_Menu in PS_Craft: - inventory open d:in@Server_plugin_help_inv