Paste #63937: Note Cuboid

Date: 2020/01/11 16:23:10 UTC-08:00
Type: Denizen Script

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    type: command
    name: cube
    description: "Saves your WorldEdit selection as a Denizen notable cuboid"
    usage: /cube CubeName to save a worldedit selection, put "SavedCubeName delete" without the quotes to remove a saved cube
    permission: <player.is_op>
    permission message: "Sorry, <>, you can't use this command because you aren't OP"
    tab complete:
    - if <context.args.size||0> == 0:
        - determine <server.list_notables[cuboids].parse[notable_name]>
    - else if <context.args.size> == 1 && <context.raw_args.ends_with[<&sp>].not>:
        - determine <server.list_notables[cuboids].parse[notable_name].filter[starts_with[<context.args.get[1]>]]>
    - else if <context.args.size> == 1 && <context.raw_args.ends_with[<&sp>]> && <server.list_notables[cuboids].parse[notable_name].contains[<context.args[1]>]>:
        - determine delete

    - choose <context.args.size>:
        - case 1:
            - if <player.we_selection||null> != null:
                - note <player.we_selection> as:<context.args.get[1]>
                - narrate "<context.args.get[1]> = <player.we_selection>"
            - else:
                - narrate "A Worldedit selection is required for this command."
        - case 2:
            - if <context.args.get[2].contains_text[delete].not>:
                - narrate "Sorry, cube names can't have spaces"
                - stop
            - note remove as:<context.args.get[1]>
            - narrate "<context.args.get[1]> deleted"
        - default:
            - narrate "Sorry, cube names can't have spaces"